Chapter 55

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"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line."
-Lucille Ball


"Hey! Soobin! Can you come and help me carry this?"

"Ah! I think I broke my leg, grandma—aw! Okay! Okay! I'll carry it!" I hurried when the old lady started hitting me with her wooden cane.

"This kid! When are you going to come back to Seoul, huh!? All you do here is to keep my blood sugar high!" she scolded me while we're both heading towards the facility.

"Tsk! Grandma, I saw your son last night! He's so handsome!" I exaggerated to get rid of her annoyance.

She smiles, "Really? I know he is! It's his birthday next week! Let's celebrate it, okay?"

"Of course! You go ahead inside, I'll take this to your room," I agreed and saw someone held the grandma's hand walking inside the building.

"Nurse Im! My son's going to have a birthday party, you'll come, okay?" the grandma announced to the said nurse.

"S-son?" she's confused and looked at me who's nodding at her. "Ah yes! O-of course, your son..."

I sighs and went inside the staff room to put the box on the table. "What's that? Some garbage again she collected?" one of the doctor asked and open up the box.

I just laugh and changed my scrub suit into my casual clothes. "My duty's done for today, Dr. Kwang. I'll be back tomorrow," I said and take on my bag.

"Hey Dr. Choi! You're going to take an off? Who's going to handle patient in 202 if you're not here? She only listens to you," Dr. Kwang stops me from going out.

"Just give her candies and tell her the story about Rapunzel, she'll sleep if you'll read it to her," I instructed. "Also, about Mrs. Kim, make sure she'll have some Bach music as she sleeps, if you don't want to look like a panda in the next morning—"

"Wait a minute!" Dr. Kwang holds my hand. "C-can't you just stay for tonight? Please? Please?" he pleaded with his hopeful eyes.

"Hey, it's Sunday and I already stayed last week, Dr. Kwang. See you tomorrow!" I bid his goodbye while smiling at him.

Dr. Kwang calling my name begging me to stay but I just wave my hand while walking away from Dream Mental Health Hospital, the hospital for mentally ill people on the countryside where I am currently working.

I get on my car and then speed up while turning on the radio for some music but I heard news instead. [...we will not disclose any information regarding to the case. We'll just see it at court- and that is the statement from Atty. Choi Yeonjun, who is lawyering the said victim of...]

"Choi Yeonjun..." I whispered and smiles while looking at the road as I drives. I opens the windows for fresh air and even smile wider.

How many years it has been now? Three years? Yes, more or less three years. It's been three years since Beomgyu died but still always feels like yesterday.

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