Chapter 49

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10 years later…

“Dr. Choi! Happy Valentines!”

Soobin puts down the chart he’s holding then puts the ballpen back on his lab coat when he heard someone’s voice. He turned around and saw his best bud holding a rose on his hand and smiling at him.

“Aww,” Soobin reacted and giggled then receive the flower. “Thank you Beomgyu! I am so busy, I didn’t even know it’s Heart’s day,” Soobin said and looked at the red rose.

“That’s why I’m here to remind you about it,” Beomgyu replied and pinch Soobin’s check. “Are you free this evening? Should we go on a date?” Beomgyu asks.

“Oh! Oh! Let’s go! For some reason, I want to eat some grilled pork belly,” Soobin exclaimed, looking excitedly.

“Okay! Let’s have it later! I’ll fetch you here later, okay? I still have some damn meetings to do,” Beomgyu said.

“Yes, you sure are busy,” Soobin teased him.

“Yeah, I kinda hate it but I don’t have any choice. See you later, Binnie,” Beomgyu bid his goodbye and kissed Soobin’s cheeks before leaving.

“Ah, is Dr. Choi inside?” one of the patient, asks as Beomgyu went out.

“Ah yes, yes, he’s in there,” Beomgyu replied and smiles.

“Thank you, they said he’s a really good doctor. I-I hope… he can help me,” she muttered and continued to walk inside Soobin’s office.

Beomgyu smiles when he heard it. People never know what Soobin needs to get through just to be in the position and to have the capabilities to help others. Beomgyu is one of the people who witnessed how Soobin almost die couple of times just for him to smile like that again.

Flashback. Everything started when Soobin finally opens his eyes after almost a year of being in coma. Beomgyu was the only one in there when he noticed Soobin’s finally moving.

“S-Soobin? Soobin! You’re awake! Soobin, are you okay? Does it hurt somewhere—“


Beomgyu paused from pressing the button to call the doctor when he heard what Soobin’s first word after waking up. “W-what? I’ll call the doctor—“

“I heard him… He was crying,” he paused and looks at Beomgyu. “Where’s Yeonjun?” he asks.

Beomgyu doesn’t know what to answer. He just stood in there, finding the right words or it may shock Soobin and will cause panick. So Beomgyu holds Soobin’s hand, really tight and smiled at him.

Soobin’s confused at the way Beomgyu’s reacting. “W-what’s the matter? Where is he? A-and what time is it? Where I am? Beomgyu, why aren’t you answering me?”

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