Chapter 7

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“Wow! They are finally expelling him?”

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“Wow! They are finally expelling him?”

“Thank goodness! Choi Yeonjun saves someone again from him and this time he’s really out of here!”

“Son, a-are you really okay? Huh? You should have told me this,” Soobin’s mom hugged his son while they are inside the director’s office.

“Mrs. Choi, we’re really sorry about what happened. Don’t worry, we already handle the matter as what Congressman Choi has ordered as to,” the director stated.

“Yes, yes. Soobin’s dad is so mad about it but thank goodness he’s safe now,” Mrs. Choi stated and smiles then he noticed the student at the back who’s leaning against the wall and doesn’t give a damn about the dramas.

“Thank you, Yeonjun,” Mrs. Choi thanked the kid.

Yeonjun suddenly fakes a smile, “Soobin needs help that’s why I did it, Mrs. Choi. No need to thank about it,” Yeonjun stated.

That answer of him made Soobin frown and especially he’s seeing him smiles. He’s being totally weird infront of his mom. Soobin’s mom and the school director started talking personally because they are also acquaintance so the two male went out of the room.

“Y-Yeonjun,” Soobin called and Yeonjun turn his back to face him.

“What? Don’t thank me, I just hit him with a bat and nothing else,” Yeonjun bluntly replied.

“But if you didn’t come that night, I might have already jumped off the rooftop,” Soobin replied and looks down then look at Yeonjun’s eyes again. “Thank you for coming.”

Yeonjun smirks that made Soobin surprised. “That’s good, I already had another reason to use against you. Don’t forget what I said that night, you get that?” he chuckles and turn his back.

Soobin’s feeling of gratefulness turns into anxious when he heard what Yeonjun said. Did Yeonjun just save him to make him suffer even more? Did Yeonjun come that night to even make his life a total hell?

“Ah by the way,” Yeonjun paused and face Soobin. “Don’t forget to thank Taehyun about the video. See you around, Soobin,” he stated and totally went out of sight.

“Taehyun? Kang Taehyun?” Soobin thought and immediately look for him and someone pointed him he’s in his usual place outside the building where he can study in peace.

“Wait, Ms. Shim taught the wrong theory yesterday? I should correct her— oh? Choi Soobin? Why are you here?” Taehyun asked when he noticed Soobin standing in front of him.

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