My bsf

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"Choi Hyunsuk" called Jihoon in his ever energetic tone.

"Yeah?" Hyunsuk turned towards the owner of the voice smiling.

"Let's go home" Jihoon stopped infront of hyunsuk and intertwined there hands before walking towards their neighbor..

They stay quiet enjoying the peaceful time as they walked together hands in hands.

Suddenly Hyunsuk speaks up.

"Jihoon-ah we'll shift to Seoul for our college" he said in a quiet tone.

"Hmm sukkie just 1 more month to admire this beautiful place." Jihoon seemed happy. Well why not he was extroverted he never had problems with making friends but for Hyunsuk he would feel very nervous to even talk to anyone other then Jihoon his bsf since middle school.

"Jihoon...i am scared" said Hyunsuk as he stops his steps.

Jihoon turned to look at the smaller guy and smiled sweetly. Adorable sweetheart

"Wayo~~  my sukkie what is it?? Hm?" Jihoon cooed the smaller male as he stepped closer to him now caressing his cheeks.

"Hoon There must be many people. So many people, new city, new place, everything" Hyunsuk whined and stomped.

Stop Hyunsuk-ah you'll be the death of me. Definitely if Jihoon can he would say this only but no. They are Best Friends for God's sake how can he like his own best friend.

"Don't worry Suk you got me right? We'll work on your confidence together ok?" Jihoon bend his knees a little to match Hyunsuk's eyes and looked into his eyes with love....Pure love.

"Hmm I hope it'll be alright" Hyunsuk said with a little nod and continue walking. Jihoon chuckled and followed Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk is always like that he just gets nervous while talking to others. But sure Jihoon knew how to handle him well and Hyunsuk had believed Jihoon also knew that how much Hyunsuk wanted to try new things and make new memories.

They entered Hyunsuk's house as it comes before Jihoon's residence which is just a block away.

"Oh Jihoon is here?" Asked Mrs. Choi sweetly.

"Yeah Aunty the last day of school I should drop Hyunsuk at his house" Jihoon said politely.

Hyunsuk looked at Jihoon and smiled dearly.

"Oh yeah! Jihoon!" Hyunsuk suddenly jumps off his place and grabbed Jihoon's hands.

"Let's go to my room I need to show you Something" he said excitedly.

Jihoon was suprised by the sudden moves of the smaller one. But they are close enough as friends to hold each others hands and drag them to there personal room. Like right now

But Jihoon's heart was still racing.

"Look Jihoon i completed this lego last night! I was so much excited to show you this" he jumped and point at his lego.

"Woah Suk, it is so pretty" Jihoon looked genuinely suprised. He didn't knew that his heart was racing for lego till now.

"You like it hoon? It took so much time" Hyunsuk sits on the ground and looked closely at the lego adoring his own hard work.

Jihoon chuckled while looking at the lego and Hyunsuk.

He then bends and pat Hyunsuk's head

"You did a great job Suk. I lov-"

I love you? Tf we are not dating park Jihoon

"I mean I love this...yeah" Jihoon then unlock his phone and started taking pictures of the lego Hyunsuk built and Hyunsuk as well.

After done he check all of them while giggling.

"How are the picture's? Why are you laughing!?" Hyunsuk got up and went next to Jihoon.

He pulled Jihoon down by his collar and looked at the phone. Nothing funny just a picture of him with his lego.

He looked at Jihoon's face. Wahhh how close they are? Hyunsuk blinked for a few second and then left Jihoon's collar.

"You should go now....a-aunt might look for you..." he said fidgeting his figures.

Jihoon who was stunned just now smirked and lean to Hyunsuk's ears.

"Why are you getting shy suk?" He whispered.

Hyunsuk's eyes widened after he realized he was actually feeling shivers Bcuz of his best friends antics? He turned to Jihoon who had a playful smirk on his face.

Hyunsuk pushed Jihoon out of his room.

"Go away Jihoon! Go back home!!"


Heyy! Guys

This story was actually kept in drafts for a long time now...and i just hope you all will like it! Gosh 😭

Okay bye!!! Enjoy

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