not Hangover

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sighs deeply when the drunk guy infront of him kept walking like an octopus finding water. Jihoon would have got mad by now bcuz this Choi Hyunsuk was a big headache but actually this Choi Hyunsuk speaks more truth then Jihoon would have imagined. Actually the taller male never actually saw Him getting drunk it was his first time and of course the thing that they live in the same neighborhood is of no help too cuz now Jihoon not only had to handle him but listen to Hyunsuk mumbling some nonsense.

He looked around, the road was almost empty with barely anyone walking around. He quicken his steps to catch up with Hyunsuk, once he was next to him the shorter male still didn't look at him, but Jihoon can feel his heart beat getting fast too, why? Was it bcuz he almost jogged? Maybe. Jihoon slid his left hands on Hyunsuk's waist and held him tight. "Just a few minutes, walk straight and we'll reach your home"

Hyunsuk looked up at Jihoon with his pouty lips "My home?" He asked with drowsy eyes.

"Yes your home" Jihoon looked straight. If both of us don't look at the road we'll end up in an accident.

Hyunsuk rubbed his eyes. "Jihoon-ah, why won't you stay with me? I- I have some things to ask..."

"You can ask right now"

"Who was your high school crush? Why you never told me about your crush?" Jihoon stopped walking once he heard the question, he looked at Hyunsuk who also stopped walking and kept looking at Jihoon.

"And...why do you care now?" Jihoon asked hesitantly, he didn't wanted to answer the question for some obvious reasons.

"Sorry? When Did I not care Jihoon?"

Jihoon scoffed. "Nevermind, let's go" Jihoon started walking again but he stopped once he realized Hyunsuk was not beside him, he looked back and saw Hyunsuk standing at the same spot without moving an inch. His hands around Hyunsuk's waist lose the grip bcuz of the distance now.

"You were the one who stopped caring....I still do." Hyunsuk said slowly while looking dead in Jihoon's eyes "I always did even tho i was bad at managing myself I never said I stopped caring for you!" Hyunsuk explained but in a louder tone. "Why would you think I stopped caring and just leave me to myself? In that big city where I know no one? Why would you leave me to myself when you know how miserably I would fall?-" he choked on his hiccup and removed Jihoon's hands from around his waist. "No one Jihoon, I can trust No one now and you know it includes you. Sometimes deep down I wonder If i trust you or not and the image of you leaving plays reminding me how it was only Me standing for myself and no one else, not even you who promised to stay there no matter What!" He hit Jihoon's chest and back off more with tears continuously wetting his cheeks, Hyunsuk felt like throwing up, an urge to run away and never look back. A feeling that in this moment and all of a sudden everything starts to play in his mind. The dark room, those bulked man trying to climb on him, Yoshinori's face of betrayal, The stares of everyone in the university, everyone's word, his miserable days. Everything flashed infront of his eyes, he started shaking his head trying to shake away all the memories that kills him from inside.

Jihoon stepped closer to him, sneaking his one hand around Hyunsuk's neck and the other on behind his back he pulled the smaller one in a hug. He caressed his back and sigh "ok stop crying, let's go home"

Hyunsuk felt that heartless words, he doesn't need someone's empty words to comfort himself, he can do it on his own "You go Jihoon let me go on my own" he pushed the taller male enough for himself to back off and leave.

He walked a towards his house, staring blank at the road ahead, but he cannot look back, nor he will. Soon the male reached home and rushed inside before slamming the door on Jihoon's face there are 2 good things he is thankful for right now. First his parents are not home and Second Jihoon returned home right after Hyunsuk entered his house because Jihoon knows every password if he entered it would have been disastrous for him.

He knew Whatever Jihoon did or said was nothing what he wanted to do, the hug especially. Jihoon has not even looked at him for so long so how can he hug him out of nowhere right?

He sighs and walked towards his bedroom. Taking a quick shower he lay back on his bed staring at the ceiling, I messed up.

He definitely didn't thought he'll make a scene out of it, he was genuinely under the influence of alcohol, now his plan of making Jihoon his friend again....I mean getting back his attention seems to be going down to hill for now.

Shifting on his bed he realized all he said today was something he kept inside himself for long actually. He didn't mean to burst out of nowhere, but he was hurt when Jihoon talking about caring Did Hyunsuk not care before when they were still best friends?

"I must have been really immature back then that I didn't even realized he had a crush on someone"

He sighs again before his slowly closed and he fell asleep.

To be continued

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