Not Him

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"OMG!!!! JIHOON!!!!!" A sudden scream come out of Hyunsuk's room in the morning just when Jihoon was making coffee for them?
Jihoon ran to Hyunsuk's room as soon as he heard the latter screaming.

"Yeah! Yeah! What happened!!?" He looked around if there was a cockroach or a bug.

"Jihoon! My parents are calling me!!" Hyunsuk still panicked. Jihoon sighs when he heard that.

"So?" Hyunsuk looked at Jihoon as if he is telling Jihoon he should know the answer.

Jihoon gasped.

"Video call?" He asked careful. Just to get a little nod.

He sighs again before he went to hyunsuk and took his phone

He still didn't tell his parents that he had a haircut.

"Oh hello Mr. and Mrs. Choi" Jihoon bow even if they are talking on video calling.

Both the elders smile dearly.

"Oh Jihoon how are you my son" Jihoon slightly blushed at the nickname but not like it's the first time they called him 'there son'

Jihoon talked to them for a few minutes..

"Ahmm Sir and Ma'am actually Hyunsuk needs to show you guys something" he said, nervousness was clear by his voice.

They looked at each other and it was almost as if Jihoon was warning him to tell his parents about his hair cut right now.

His parents frown.

"What is it Hoon?" Mrs. Choi Asked.

"He... actually a new h-hairstyle" he said looking down and finally turning the camera to hyunsuk who was also looking down. Jihoon squinted his eyes but when he heard no sound or whatsoever he opens his eyes just to see Hyunsuk's head hung down and his parents mouth wide open in shock

Gasp was clearly heard by them as well.

"Omg Hyunsuk what did you do to your hairs!" Mr. Choi scolds his son.

"I-I am sorry dad and mom I didn't told you before"

Jihoon was sitting in the lecture hall taking notes when his friend tapped on his shoulder.

"Jihoon wanna go to the party held today?" He asked excitedly.

"No Junkyu my roommate will be alone and you know he doesn't really like parties"

Junkyu shook his head.

"Again your roommate i guess i really need to meet him because you keep on bringing him up in everything" Junkyu almost sulked.

Jihoon chuckled.
He remembered hyunsuk again. He was still not used to see Hyunsuk in short blonde hairs even tho it has been already a week. Almost a month since they shifted to seoul.

"No Kyu but I would like to meet the Japanese male you mention always for sure" the latter blushed at the said statement and turned the other way. He knew Jihoon was awar of his feeling for the campus crush even if he never actually accepted and he knew he should shut up now or else he would be the only one getting teased in the end.

Jihoon massage his temple. It's almost midnight it's 11:37 pm and Hyunsuk....he is no where to be seen.

He called Hyunsuk so many times and texted him he wish he knew where to find the male right now. He was getting anxious as the time ticked.

He heard the door bell and ran to the door almost stumbling. His eyes where screaming that the male was dead worried.


He opened the door and saw Hyunsuk finally. But........wait! What? He frowns and looked at the other male. Who looked alot taller then him and Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk looked totally waisted. He is  drunk?

What is going on?

Hyunsuk looked totally drunk leaning his body on the taller male when another person came from behind. It was Yoshi he knew him.

"Take him Inside Junghwan-ah" Said Yoshi as soon as he came ignoring The presence of another male on the door.

"Excuse me" said the taller male and Jihoon who was still too stunned to speak, moved. Letting them in

He saw as they took Hyunsuk in.

"Which one is his room" Jihoon flinched and looked away from Hyunsuk to the taller male named Junghwan.

"T-that one" he pointed at the left side and saw how the taller man entered there

They lay hyunsuk down on bed and walked passing Jihoon out of the apartment closing the door.

As soon as they left it was as if Jihoon came back to his sense he ran towards Hyunsuk and squint on the ground caressing Hyunsuk's face.

"H-How the fuck did you End up D-Drinking Choi" his eyes had tears. But who was he kidding he knew this was Hyunsuk's decision whether to drink or not.

He removed Hyunsuk's shoes and leather jacket he cleaned hyunsuk and changed him in his night wear.

Should i leave him or not...

Jihoon just ended up sleeping next to Hyunsuk. He felt like he is already losing his sweetheart to new people. He feel pain in his chest.

He hugged Hyunsuk tight and after shedding a few tears he too slept soon...



Hiii! Actually the last chapter wasn't so good I know, but I really hope, really really hope that ya'll will still keep on supporting this story. And please stay tuned, I promise to update good chapters in future too .....


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