You are Sick

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Jihoon knew this would happen.

Hyunsuk has vomited twice after being drunk and was having fever after that.

As expected from Jihoon he was indeed with Hyunsuk the whole night. Cleaning him and taking care of him.

And even now he didn't went to the university and just took care of Hyunsuk.

They both didn't talk about how hyunsuk ended up drinking or what came on him that he drank so much but Somehow Hyunsuk guessed this much that Jihoon was not so himself.

Yes he was worried like before. Taking care like before but no he didn't talk like before.

"What's wrong hoon?" Hyunsuk asked after quietly observing the other male serving them there lunch.

"Hm?" Jihoon asked without looking at Hyunsuk.

"It's been 2 days since I have fever why won't you talk to me?" Hyunsuk asked innocently.

Sometimes i wonder if you are really that naive Suk.

Jihoon coughs and take a sip of his soup first.

"I am talking Suk stop thinking non-sense drink the soup" Jihoon said pushing the soup towards Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk just does as he was told to.

They didn't talk much in these 2 days. But Hyunsuk anyways would end up always talking to Yoshi late at night on call instead of talking to someone who just watched him from the door standing outside the room.

Door was just slightly open as he was about to check if the latter was still awake.

No way i would interrupt you choi....

Jihoon Just walked mindlessly with his fellow batch mate. Mashiho, his new comfort zone.

He met Mashiho male when he went out with Junkyu to meet Haruto. Mashiho is Haruto's cousin and by chance they were actually in the same major.

"Ji?" Mashi tapped his shoulder.

Jihoon looked at him and smiled. "Yeah?"

"I've called you so many times already Ji are you sick?"

Mashi checks his forehead with a pout. Jihoon just removed his hands.

"No mashi just tired you know" Jihoon again started walking.

"Why? What happened?"

Jihoon looked at the male next to him. The male was so small and adorable looking at him almost half of Jihoon's worries was actually gone when he saw The male smiling at him in assurances like telling 'Everything's gonna be ok' even without knowing the real reason behind his tired eyes too.

Jihoon just pats his head and nods.

"Yeah everything's gonna be ok" he said and started walking again with Mashiho on his side.

"What do you wanna eat mashi" he asked while walking towards the the café they decided to visit.

"Hmmm maybe there new strawberry cake?" Jihoon nods.

Well yeah somehow Hyunsuk and Jihoon haven't actually had breakfast or dinner together in a few weeks already.

Hyunsuk after recovering from his Sicknesses got back with his friends and now it seemed the same. He would come back home drunk sometimes, or sometimes just too late with smell of s not even talking to Jihoon he would straight up walk towards his room and sleep without changing so Jihoon used to change his clothes but now he only he removes his shoes and belt or jacket.

He walked in the house and sighs. Yeah house...not more home...because looks like he lost the address to his home.

He sat on the dinning table for 2 and hide his head in his hands which was supported on the tables counter.

He said if Hyunsuk would be lost he'll find him and hold him tight. And Hyunsuk does looks lost....but now Jihoon is also lost. Isn't he supposed to talk about it with Hyunsuk.

"Oh Jihoon?" He jolted at the sudden sound. It was Hyunsuk in his night suit.

"You are home today?" Jihoon asked.

These days he has been really awkward with Hyunsuk.

"Oh I just came back home" Hyunsuk poured some water for himself and chug it all in one go.

"Hyunsuk-ah c-can we talk?" Jihoon asked carefully.

Hyunsuk turned to Jihoon.

"Yeah? About what?" Hyunsuk sat infront of Jihoon, While scrolling his phone.

Jihoon sighs. What is he scared for actually? He can't keep it to himself anymore this Choi Hyunsuk was just getting worse day by day. He heard it from Haruto and Mashiho that Yoshi was a rich spoiled brat type person. Who loves parties and bullying other.

He knew his friend was actually going at the wrong way.

He'll say it straight today. He looked at Hyunsuk with a serious look.

"You need to stop hanging around with your so called friends" Hyunsuk definitely looked confused. He looked up at Jihoon and kept his phone aside.

"What are you talking about Jihoon?" He asked with the same seriousness.

"I said stop hanging around with your so called friends or-"

"Or what Park Jihoon? what do you mean stop hanging out with them!! I made friends on my own you told me to be bold and i am trying so many new things exploring so many things why would you say it"

"Hyunsuk stop! They are not good people not good influence-"

"They are my friends Hoon"

"They are a bunch of kids who love drinking, bullying and sleeping arou-"


Jihoon's head hang on the left side his eyes being blurry.

You h-hit me choi?

"Stop with the nonsense  they are my Friend Park Jihoo-"

"I am moving out" said Jihoon almost immediately standing up and walking towards his room leaving Hyunsuk behind. Dumbfounded

"By this Friday which in just 2 days later I am moving out...and remember Choi I don't wanna spit nonsense just because i want to"


The door was closed and Jihoon.... he cried as soon as he closed the door his tears escaped.

His heart break in 2 as soon as those hands hit him for someone else the hand which he once held when they were looking for warmth.

Hyunsuk stood there dumbfounded looking at the way Jihoon went. His eyes didn't leave that Room's door. Did he heard it right? Jihoon said he'll move out? Is it true?

Hyunsuk looked at him right hand. He...he hit Jihoon? He slapped Jihoon?



Hiii thank you so much for support please Vote! It gives me alot of strength to keep going!! Thanks!! Till the next update.

Take care!!


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