First day, First Friend

297 26 1

Jihoon glance at Hyunsuk. He still looked nervous.

Where are they?

At the entrance of there college. Jihoon nodded. He knew what to do.

"Well suk remember what happened in the last fest of our high school?"

Hyunsuk looked towards Jihoon confused shook his head.

Jihoon smiled and held his hands.

"You got lost in that heavily crowded fest suk....and I was going crazy over how can I just leave your hand. I was so mad at myself but then....Then I Saw This Midget Standing near the Ice cream stall like a lost kid waiting for his parents to come and hold his hands and take him back home. I ran to you and hugged you like never before."

Hyunsuk nods and smiled faintly. Yeah he was so stupid to cry while waiting for Jihoon.

"Suk listen....even if you got lost here as well... I got your back oh?" Jihoon assured him and Yes Hyunsuk definitely felt much better.

He nods and smiles.

"Words Suk"

"Nee Hoon I will trust you"

They smiled at each other before walking in as a extroverted friendly person Jihoon took the lead in finding Hyunsuk's class first. He leaves Hyunsuk on his own but before he gave him a big hug of encouragement.

"It's ok Suk you just need to be calm, you are the best suk so don't worry too much"

He said these words before he ran for his own class.

Jihoon is studying law While Hyunsuk is doing his graduation with Human phycology.

He stood there until Jihoon's back complete disappeared. He walked in and took the seat next to window. Calm. And quiet maybe?

He felt awkward as one by one people started entering the class. No one sat next to him yet. But noh maybe not so quiet. Someone sat next to him. He looked at the side to find a figure of a male looked same age as him, looking and smiling at him, he awkwardly smiled back and bow down a lil..

"Oh we must be the same age? Fresher?" The handsome male asked and Hyunsuk nods.

Be calm

"And you?" Hyunsuk asked almost stuttering but no just after uttering these two words and getting the answer

"Same we are the same age" he felt at ease now.

"Oh that's nice"

"Neuro phycology?"

Hyunsuk shook his head.

"Human Phycology" the male nods and pout Slightly in understanding

"Then sadly this is the only class in which we'll be together" they both smiled together and chit chat a little more before the teacher came.

The other males style was definitely much different from Hyunsuk and Jihoon.

The other male was wearing a red T-shirt with an oversized leather Jacket with alot of zip in it and oversized pants with it. He had blonde hairs long hairs and alot of rings. He looked more like a fashion student and alot more rich them Hyunsuk. Hyunsuk was definitely attracted.

"Ok let's meet again Hyunsuk-ah" the other male pats Hyunsuk's head and smiled sweetly.

"Oh yeah Yoshi" His heart....skipped a beat....

He skipped his way towards Jihoon's faculty. He waits there for Jihoon to come out and there he is.

"Jihoon!!" He raised his hands and waves towards Jihoon. Jihoon smiled brightly and Slightly jogged towards Hyunsuk.

"Heyaa little kid!" Jihoon chuckled when he saw Hyunsuk gasping and then hitting his chest.

"Shut up hoon, why are you like this!" Hyunsuk turned to walk away with Cheeks pink in embarrassment.

Jihoon sneaked his hands around Hyunsuk waist and walk beside him.

"Hey it ok?" Jihoon asked while his eyes never left Hyunsuk's face.

Hyunsuk chuckled. "Yeah it's ok!"

Hyunsuk smiled brightly and looked at Jihoon.

"Jihoon.....I want to tell you something"

He said still smiling the same way. Jihoon tilt his head.

"Hmm what is it?" He asked.

Hyunsuk suddenly hugged Jihoon, his small arms wrapped around Jihoon's nape and he kept that bright smile on his face. Jihoon was caught off guard with the sudden hug, but he hugged back with the same amount of happiness.

"What is it suk?" Jihoon asked caressing the smaller males back.

"Jihoon!! I made a friend...A new Friend!" Hyunsuk pulled back and jumped in excitement. Jihoon's eyes grew wide. He was really in shock.

"Woahh!! Choi Hyunsuk!!" He hugged Hyunsuk again and picked up his little body but puts him back down when he notices, they are still on streets.

He looked at Hyunsuk's face and cupped his cheeks. Where Hyunsuk was still so excited that he can't help his hands clapping lightly.

"Great Job Choi Hyunsuk, I am so proud of you" Hyunsuk smile grew bigger, he hugged Jihoon again.

"Thank you Jihoon! I made a new friend"


Thank you so much for the lovely comments and support. I'll work hard please stay with me.

Love ya'll stay safe and healthy...

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