His attention

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"Jihoonie~~~ please~~~ please let's go to the new year party" Mashiho pleaded with his hands clasped together.

"Mashi You know I am not fond of partying." Jihoon said cooking there lunch which he would have liked to do with quiet surrounding like usual but seems like his roommate won't shut up today at least until tonight.

Ok lemme use my super power then.  Mashiho smirked as he thought to himself of Plan B he is going to use now.

He focused a little bit remembering the sad seen he just watched in a drama preparing his tears. He is a master in it anyways.

As soon as he felt enough tears coming through his eyes he brought himself to think more sad things...3....2....1.

*snif* He started sobbing soon. Jihoon turned to his side when he heard sniffing sound. His eyes grew. No way Mashiho would cry over this.

"Oh come on Mashi it's just a party + i don't have pass how am i supposed to go?" Jihoon wash his hands and come near the shorter male. He wipes The crying males tears.

"So...that means y-you'll come if you have pass?" Mashiho sobbed as he completed his sentence.

"Yeah Mashi but we don't have that now.... maybe next time okay?" Mashiho nods and wiped his own tears before turning and making a call.

"YAHH!!!"  Jihoon heard a loud cheer making him jump a little in suprise, he held his chest.

"He is Coming!!! Hand me the pass I bought outside the club ok? ..... Ok Deal!"

He cut the call and turned to confused Jihoon. Smiling brightly he replied to Jihoon's confusion.

"We are going to the party. I have already bought 2 tickets it's just that Junkyu had them"

Jihoon was in disbelief why the hell did he say he'll come if they had ticket. His friends are so evil.

He scoffed and turned to do his work again.

"You are not mad right Ji? The party is tonight at 8pm"

"Hmm you win"

Jihoon accepts his defeat hearing yet again a loud cheer from the other. Who now probably ran to his room so that he can find a outfit maybe?

Jihoon chuckled at the thought of how extreme his friends can be sometimes...

Just some friends he meant by the way

-7:26 Pm

Jihoon got out of his room and saw Mashiho standing. Wearing a skin tight leather jeans with white polo and black oversized jacket.

Jihoon cleared his throat to get the later's attention. Mashiho turned to Jihoon and his jaw dropped. Jihoon looked hella hot right now. He walked closer to Jihoon shaking his head while his one hand was covering his gasped mouth, he still can't digest that his roommate actually looked this hot?

"Woah Park you are hot as fuck everyone will go crazy over you!" He exclaimed checking out Jihoon. Who  wearing a check black t-shirt which was actually see through on top of it was a leather jacket with jeans but his Calvin Klein was actually visible maybe on purpose nevertheless he looked too sexy to resist.

"Can't believe the Park who wears polo with oversized sweatpants or t-shirt with normal jeans will dress up this insanely for the hottest party "

Jihoon just chuckled and shook his head.

"Let's go Mashi we'll be late" he said and started walking past the shorter male.

As the clubs are loud and filled with chaos this one was no different and Jihoon found it not so pleasant. He just took another shot, and stared at the dance floor, a particular someone was dancing among many people. He had  more like pastel colored hairs with purple highlight, lip piercing and wearing a very fancy outfit. If Jihoon is right then maybe this particular someone's friends are already in jail for gambling stuff and this guy is now more like a trouble maker. He even got suspended for a week or so once. At least that's what Jihoon heard that this guy is actually not the one he knew. But he seemed happy. Dancing. And enjoying himself. How?

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