let's start!

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Hyunsuk kept biting his bottom lip and fidgeting his fingers  he was so nervous for today. Nothing special but today he decided he will work on getting back Jihoon. He would start his plan.

Jihoon he can not see me getting hurt, he panicks and helps me, no matter how mad he is. Shall I try with this in my mind? What if he still helps me? He loves and cares about me so much....maybe he would right? Ahhh i might go crazy. Does he still loves me that much?

Suddenly he felt hotness creep on his cheeks. Did Jihoon really love him that much? He would be super happy if that was the case. He wanted to apologize properly and make everything back to normal. He would wish for everything to be back to normal but he remembered how he ignored Jihoon and lied to Jihoon just to hang out with Yoshi and his friends.

As soon as his classes was over he ran to the exit of the university. He hides behind the tree. Hyunsuk himself can't believe his heart was racing like never before, he knew his cheeks were pink, he had goosebumps looking like a mess.

He waits for Jihoon to come out without That Mashiho guy. He didn't wanted that Mashiho guy to be near Jihoon.


He mentally screams as soon as he saw Jihoon walking out.

Ok I just need to walk to him and trip on my own and pretend like i sprained my ankle. Okay! Yeah that's it!

He takes in a deep breath and walk towards Jihoon

His eyes was stuck to Jihoon who looked so flawless and so handsome, suddenly the world around Hyunsuk slowed down all of a sudden, it was as if everyone disappeared around Hyunsuk, he can only see Jihoon and only Jihoon. He thought does Jihoon remembers them? Does Jihoon still loves him? Does Jihoon still remember the plans they made? He was so lost in staring at Jihoon that maybe he can be lost forever in looking at those eyes of his.


Hyunsuk falls. He tripped on his own but Oh my god his plan of tripping somehow became real, Hyunsuk's mouth hung open when he realized he for real sprained his ankle, he held his ankle. The smaller guy  whined when he felt the sudden pain after he tried to stand up. He closed his eyes if reflex.

Oh no i should be here not standing up Jihoon should help.

Hyunsuk looked up at Jihoon and saw how he looked away and walked past him and then he noticed, Jihoon was with Mashiho again.

His eyes become teary when Jihoon's back almost disappeared. He looked at the ground, he failed. His mission failed too. He ended everything, Jihoon left him? Just like this? Hyunsuk punched the ground lightly without any strength cuz he had non at that time.

Jihoon ended up hating him so much that he even ignored Hyunsuk when, Hyunsuk was in pain....

Hyunsuk sighs and tried to get up, only to fall on the ground again with a groan.

One tear escapes his eyes and falls.

He shook his head. No he can't cry, he should try harder.

He tried to get up and somehow made it to his house.

As soon as he entered the house he let's his body fall on the floor and finally letting his tears fall.

He whimpers and sobs hard while remembering how Jihoon didn't even turn to look at Hyunsuk, he just walked away and looked like he didn't knew Hyunsuk. He looked at ceiling while laying down there on the cold floor. He looked so happy with that guy, smiling. He looked like he saw Nothing.

What am i supposed to do....

-The next day

Hyunsuk was still on his bed he skipped his classes as his ankle still created a problem when he walked and his feelings too. He can't get over of how Jihoon walked away, that was horrible for him. The most heartbreaking thing happened to him, he never felt this way before. But yesterday he felt like he really did lost Jihoon.

He realized it was Saturday already and starting from monday they'll have a 2 week break for there lunar new year as well as some of there seniors will have there practical exams.

He calls his mom.

On call

Mom:- Heyy suk how are you my son??

Suk:- looks like mom is in a good mood huh?

Mom:- Yeah baby Your dad took me out for shopping for this lunar new year.

Suk:- *giggle* ohhh wow mom, that must have been fun.

Mom:- Yeah baby! But suk....why won't you come and visit us in your break?

Suk:- woah mom nice idea. I....should come...  mom can you help me with one thing?

Mom:- Yeah what is it suk?

Suk:- hmmm can you tell Jihoon's mom to call Jihoon and force him to come as well and please tell her to not mention about you or me telling her to do so...hmm?? Please??

Mom:- oh so are you...still not in good terms with him?

Suk:- *sigh* Mom I am trying...but he just ignores me nowadays....but i am working hard you can help me with it you know..

Mom:- *chuckle* okk I'll tell her to do say and also say 'Please don't mention it was said by me or my son' *laughing* Okay?

Suk:- hmm okay!! Bye now mom You go call Jihoon's mom!

Mom:- omg this excited kiddo.

Hyunsuk sighs, maybe it can help? Hyunsuk and Jihoon were childhood sweetheart, they grew up in a small town, a countryside town with not many people living there. They studied in the same school after there parents became friends when they were just in elementary school. Hyunsuk was always quiet and Jihoon always there to make Hyunsuk smile, that place started everything, there friendship, there bond, and simply everything. He hopes he can fix everything there as well.

-1 day later

This was the last day before they get there lunar new year break. Hyunsuk went to the university thanks to Soobin who helped him alot during his ankle injury. Like taking him to get treated and making him food then taking him to university? He thanked Soobin simply for his existence, it was as if when there is no one god sent a Angel to Hyunsuk, to look over him.

Hyunsuk was currently sitting on one of the bench of there university's garden, while sipping his strawberry milk. He looked around feeling the wind hit his face and gently brush his hairs. He sighs when he saw people either sitting or standing in groups.

"Aii don't sit there, don't you know he was in Yoshinori's gang?" One of the girl from behind said.

Hyunsuk didn't turn around but just looked down. He knew they were talking about him, he clenched the small packet of bun he had in his right hand.

I need to stop, my feelings should not take over me, they are just passer by they know nothing....

He kept himself positive.

"Oh well yeah ofc I know, he was also one of them who slept around and drink till dawn or maybe drug too who knows?" Hyunsuk's strawberry milk dropped on the ground when he looked back.

Jihoon stood there, most probably he was with that group.  He was standing there like a statue just staring at Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk blinks his eyes and looked away, breathing heavily and getting up from where he was sitting, he limped to go inside the building, and when he saw Jihoon was not visible from his sight, he took a turn and went behind the building, he bits his lips and sit down on the grass, he looked up to the sky.

"How much more do you plan to punish me, i wonder...."

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