Without you

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Questions, Questions, Questions...

For some reasons Hyunsuk's mind was filled with undefined Questions, that just now came to his head.

Why would I cry while having dinner for one week straight after he left the house?

Why would my heart starts racing when we had encounter After he moved out?

Why would I try my best to avoid him but steal glance when he was in the cafeteria?

Why would I watch every video of him going viral in the university's group chat?

Why would I feel bad everytime he ignored me and walked past me?

Was I...really having a crush on him all this time?

But isn't it because...we were old good good friends..?

Maybe today too Hyunsuk won't be able to sleep. It's been 2 days since the night Hyunsuk saw Jihoon looking as if he was in love with some another male whom he knew as Takata Mashiho. Well he really cursed his fate for making it worse. Because after that day, everytime he was in college or cafeteria or at the field. He would somehow see Jihoon with that small guy again and again. Everytime. He was so annoyed Because Jihoon won't even look at him...or more like Jihoon's eyes would never leave Mashiho to start with.

He would see Mashiho feeding Jihoon with his own hands when Jihoon was playing game on his phone.

He would see Jihoon chasing Mashiho near the field for some reason.

He would see Jihoon bugging Mashiho in the hallway and get hit on his arms.

And again look at Hyunsuk. Tears were streaming down his cheeks without any warning. Why would he cry?

Why would I cry?

Hyunsuk sniffs....and shut his eyes tight.

No not gonna open them... I'll fall asleep if my eyes are closed.

It was already 3 am it felt like he just can't fall asleep and just like that the time had his own pace running like it's late for a flight. It was already 5 am in a blink of eyes. He knew again he would see those two couples being all cute and lovey-dovey. He hated that.

Get a grip on yourself Hyunsuk-ah you have a life too

Hyunsuk got off the bed and walked around his room. In these 2 days every single memory of him with Jihoon flashed infront of his eyes during day or night. He would consider it as he just missed having a company as now he had 0 friends here. Actually he maybe has one?  Maybe he doesn't know if he can call that person friend tho. It was Choi Soobin who worked in the convenient store just a block away, they would drink together sometimes after Soobin's shift was Over, and talk about random stuffs.

No one wanted to be his friend in university because of course heard it himself they talked shit about him that wasn't even true. They said he dated a senior in 4th year which was just to get his money, that he was sleeping around after being drunk, that he was also doing illegal things...which was all....not true. He hated everyone and everything all of a sudden. How can they talk so much shit about him? What's there problem? Can't they just mind there own business?

Didn't Jihoon said 'no matter what he'll always be there me?'

Right he did said that...but he left me in just one fight...he didn't even checked on me after that?

Hyunsuk took his phone and went on Jihoon's contact. He scrolled there texts

A year and 1 months but they hardly had a conversation...Jihoon would text him, related to his parents or family matters he would reply and that's it Jihoon will leave it on seen.

There for me...|| Sukhoon Where stories live. Discover now