Seoul the Big City

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"That's it thank you for helping us" Jihoon and Hyunsuk bow to the workers of the moving company they took help from for moving to Seoul for there college semester which will began in just 3 days the apartment they picked to live in was already well furnished with 2 bed rooms and 1 living room, 1 bathroom and a open kitchen attached to the living room. Small yet very continent for them and + point there college was just at walking distance from this apartment.

They threw there body on the couch in union and looked at each other before cracking up and laughing. How crazy it is finally after so many begging to there parents and finally getting the permission to study here in Seoul and live together. It still felt like a dream to these young males who just shift
shifted here from a country side neighbor city.

"Ok! What do you wanna eat Suk let's order food" Jihoon said in his same cheerful voice.

"Hoon how the hell are you so cheerful even after such a long trip and a long day like this huh!?" Hyunsuk sat straight stretching his arms.

"Oh come on Suk I am just excited nevermind you just tell me what you wanna have hmm?" Jihoon took out his phone and browsed.

"Just some simple korean lunch box would be fine hoon"

"Okay!" Jihoon placed there order from a nearby restaurant.

"Let's dig in!!!" They both cheer before eating and finishing the food in no time.

Jihoon got up first after finishing and walked to the sink and started washing the plate.

"Suk you wanna sleep with me today?"

Look. Look there Park Jihoon he knew Hyunsuk too well.

"You'll feel scared to sleep at this new place for the first time... I know so let's not get awkward or embarrassed hmm?" Jihoon said in his loving tone.

"Ohh!" Hyunsuk said smiling ear to ear.

Jihoon just knew when and what to do or say to this particular person named Choi Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk himself didn't knew when the hell they got this close that Jihoon knew him so well?

Jihoon turned off the lights and lay down next to hyunsuk and wrap his arms around Hyunsuk's waist turning towards him.

No Hyunsuk's heart wasn't flustered or beating fast. He was used to it. Another habit of Park Jihoon.

"Hyunsuk?" Jihoon speaks after a few minutes.


"I love you" Hyunsuk chuckled and started stroking Jihoon's hairs. Out of nowhere sometimes Jihoon would say 'I love you' out of nowhere and Hyunsuk would reply ofc.

"I love you too hoon...good night" Hyunsuk turned to Jihoon complete and Jihoon hides his face in Hyunsuk's chest hands tightly wrapped around the other males waist while Hyunsuk kept stroking Jihoon's hairs softly.

"You too Good night"

Hyunsuk hoped everything will be good for there college and he hopes that Jihoon and Hyunsuk can make it.

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