Dinner with Choi(s)

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Jihoon 'pov'

"Mom what are you doing?" I asked as soon as I entered my house, I saw her putting alot of food on the dinning table while she is fully dressed up, wearing a very pretty dress and looking happy.

"Oh You came? Go get dressed Choi's are gonna come over for dinner" Hearing her mention the 'Choi' family was enough for me to realise i was going to have a big headache by tonight. I groaned and without asking future Unnecessary questions I head towards my room. I mean what's the point? Whatever i ask I know they will come and I will see that annoying face of a particular someone no matter what, so i will just ignore him and enjoy my dinner then excuse myself by saying some friend is calling me, or probably i should just text Mashiho to call me at that time and he can help me out.

I changed into a comfortable fit with a white hoodie and black cargo pants


I wonder what problem Mr. Choi Hyunsuk will cause this time. Last time he came, he lied about cooking I mean seriously? Why would he lie?
The least he can try is to make tea or coffee but making some dasik? One of the Cookies i know he does not even know how it is made and he dared to lie on my face? Lie to my mom? Why? To put up an cool impression he has been showing to everyone? This boy can do nothing but lie and lie. How i never noticed he was born to be such a good liar.

The cookies tasted exactly how they should and i can never come to believe that he made it, and I know that is why he ran away even before I can ask him any question or look at his face to judge him bcuz he also knows that he cannot lie to me.

I will make sure to bring you down Choi Hyunsuk. You won't get what you want by lying on my face, not now.

I looked at my door when I heard the door bill ring. Once twice...

Probably mom is on the door by now. I should get downstairs later or it'll be awkward and end it after having dinner.

After spending almost 10mins of thinking what to do one's I sit face to face with Choi's I finally step out of my room and went downstairs. I saw them sitting on the Couch and talking to each other I looked around....What? No Hyunsuk?

Did he died?

Duh now what kind of drama is this.

"Oh heyy Jihoon!" Aunt Choi cheered as she saw me walking towards them.

I smile and bow a lil to her "Hii Aunt"

"Tell me about it every time I see you, How in the world you always get even more Handsome then before?" She came closer and cared my right cheek while looking at me with loving eyes. That made me feel somehow so happy, I smiled shyly and looked down.

"Oh come on! Firstly I should be the one asking how in the world Your son gets more pretty every time I see him again??" My mom interrupted and they started bickering and laughing at there own jokes.

I settled next to my dad still confused why there is no Hyunsuk, did he really made the right decision of not coming infront of my sight? If that is the case then he is doing great.



Making Me sit at the place listening to them for 2hr maybe wasn't enough that now they sent me to The Choi's residence with food for hyunsuk as he didn't came to have dinner with us. And you know why? Because according to his mom he sprained his ankle. Tch, must be a lie again. He must be just too lazy or wanted to eat some takeout food not homemade food.

This is so disrespectful of him to not come to my house and make me come to his with dinner for him as if i am his servant or something. Mr & Mrs Choi are still at my House because they are now playing some card games and shooed me by saying I should get Hyunsuk to eat something since he has nothing. I reached his home soon enough. And opened the front Gate to enter the yard.

Hyunsuk's house was just a little bit bigger then ours, whole his life he got what he wanted because his parents are a little too sweet and Probably rich but ofc I don't know and I don't wanna know.

I entered the pin and got inside his house by the main door. Yeah I knew the pin and yes why not?

I went inside the kitchen and kept the food there before walking towards his room. I opened the door of his room. Dark, it was dark, the curtains were covering the window, no moon light visible, the AC was turned on, the room was almost freezing. I turn on the lights and saw a ball under the comforter, No actually it is Choi Hyunsuk covered and rolled like a ball.

He shook my head, he still acts like a kid. Looking at the walls of his room i realized he really is still a kid. One of his wall had that "Hoonie&Sukkie" photo corner. With our childhood and teen photos and drawing or Polaroids kept there. I look through each one of them when my eyes fell on the Polaroid towards the left end With me clinging around him and he is laughing hard with a message written on it.

"Let's make alot of memories together"

Sure we did, we made alot of memories, either good or bad. We made alot of memories in both ways. But..... he still had that? I would have removed it by now we are not friends anymore. I turned my head towards the bed when I heard some shuffling sound and sigh. I still need to wake him up.

I got near the bed and removed the blanket slowly from his face, and soon saw his face, pouty lips and pink checks, I chuckled without my subconsciously. What- are you chuckling for Jihoon? I sat on the bed slowly.

I shook my head and looked back at him, suddenly when I looked back at him, I hear a soothing guitar, soon a voice actually A song. All of a sudden and time goes slowly suddenly...

[I'll always love you- Michael Johnson_ you can listen for mood]

"Standin' by my window
Listening for your call
Seems I really miss you after all
Time won't let me keep this sad thoughts to myself
I'd just like to let you know
I wish I didn't let you go...."

And I'll always love you
Deep inside this heart of mine
I do, love you
And I'll always need you
And if you ever change your mind
I still, I will love you....-"

Stops, Choi Hyunsuk took his phone eyes still closed and stopped the song.

Oh. My. God. I....- I was lost in him, in the song, in the moment with you Choi....Again, I was lost in the moment and didn't realize the moment passing by.

Why did that song played at such a time? Soon I see Hyunsuk slowly opening his eyes, and adjusting his sight, before our eyes met. His sleepy eyes looking straight in my eyes, so calmly, so peacefully after such a long long time. My heart picked the pace when he smiled slightly and closed his eyes again and turned the other way.

"Go away hoonie I know you aren't real!" He said with sleepy yet shy tone.

Not real? Has he also gone crazy?

"W-what do you mean Choi?" As soon as I asked he instantly looked at me again, now fully awake.

"You- What? Are you for real?" He almost shouted. I got up from the bed and looked elsewhere, while taking in a sharp breath.

"Yeah I came to give you dinner, m-mom sent it" I walked towards his door and stopped to complete my sentence. "Come fast and eat it, I need to go back home too" I shut the door close and walk out without listening or looking at him I am too confused to look at him.

Walking out of his room, I get goosebumps because of what just now happened inside. Was that even real? Was he real? Was the moment real? Was the beauty of the moment real? Real....It was indeed Real

To be continued

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