Like Love?

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Hyunsuk chuckled while still admiring Jihoon eating his ramen sitting infront of him. Jihoon is currently trying to not only swallow the ramen down but also his embarrassment. That is the reason why Hyunsuk finds Jihoon extra cute in this situation.

"Jihoon! Calm down~ it's okkkk—" Hyunsuk broke in a bunch of giggles. "Man you are so cute!"

"Shut up Choi that was not cute" Jihoon tried to breath normally.

The taller male was trying to move on from the embarrassment of bumping into an old lady because he was busy staring at Hyunsuk. After bumping into her the lady was not mad but nevertheless she gave Jihoon a hearing of how he shouldn't look at his friends like this or people will bring up some wrong meanings behind it. Jihoon stood there the whole time regretting his decision of not watching where he is going.

"Let's have ice-cream after this ok?" Jihoon puffed his cheeks and nods in agreement to the smaller male who was trying to lighten the mood.

Hyunsuk was actually pretty confused by his behavior, everything was the same now. From how they dressed to how they ate and planned. But a few things were different, they kissed like couples, they held hands like couples and most importantly Hyunsuk was somehow being more cautious now infront of Jihoon. He didn't wanted to laugh alot so he settled for giggles and smiles, he didn't wanted to talk in a 'very friendly' way so he settled for 'acquaintance to friends' thing. He didn't even wanted to try something he liked so he settled for things Jihoon liked. Why?

Maybe because he was afraid deep down that if he messed up even a bit maybe Jihoon would leave him again. And he knew one thing for sure Jihoon was his Support system, he cannot lie to himself anymore he actually needed Jihoon.

"Eat Suk" Hyunsuk snapped out and smiled before digging in and having his own ramen.


They walked to the beach next joking around and playing around clicking pictures and teasing each other next. "Hoon i swear to god one more dad jokes and I'm kicking you in the sea and leave you to drown."

Jihoon smirked "as if you can" he teased and ran when the seashore was in the sight. Towards the sea running while looking back at a mad Hyunsuk running behind him. Jihoon took in a sharp breath a sudden rush of those old days flashing infront of his eyes as he complete turned around and opened his arms for the boy who blushed and kept running just to collide in his chest and melt there.

From they became normal they've been acting like couples but no one talked bout the relation they had right now. Maybe bcuz they think that's understood? No?

"What makes you ask for hug out of nowhere?"

Jihoon chuckled and kept his head on top Hyunsuk's head. "Your cute behavior Mr. Choi" Hyunsuk chuckled.

"Hoon....are we friends?" Jihoon broke the hug and looked down nodding. Jihoon wanted to say alot of things but not now. Not without mashiho next to him..

Hyunsuk suddenly felt comfortable...again. He felt comforting in hugging Jihoon and he felt comfortable Enough to ask that question. He was happy that even tho it's not when he expected he would realize but he is realizing now that Jihoon is actually the same and he would still love Hyunsuk like how he used to. Hyunsuk just wanted what they had before, the same cherishing nature for each other and the same bond which was shared since childhood.

They always knew they had a spark between...

-1 week later

They were back to their daily routine of college, work and home then repeat. In the mindset of these Choi Hyunsuk made sure to annoy Soobin with his crush over Jihoon. He was so happy that Jihoon would steal glances at him in cafeteria and the corridors. But he was sad cuz they didn't get to kiss after they returned to seoul. "Soo you are now looking forward to him approaching you that's why you aren't making any move?" Hyunsuk who was already blushing looked up with a pout and nod cutely.

"Yessss~" he whined.

"Now can you get down the table I still need to complete the council work?" Hyunsuk pouts and looked away.

"You are not cooperating Hyung" Soobin sighs and wrapped one arm around him picking the little Hyunsuk up and putting him down on the ground on his feet.

Hyunsuk still kept looking away when he heard someone clear their throat. He look3d to the door...Jihoon.

He smiled shyly and looked down "Jihoon?" Soobin looked back and saw the man he has been listening for so long actually. Judging him? Jihoon looked straight at Soobin and then shifted his eyes to the smaller male.

"I have something to talk about...Suk" Hyunsuk blushed and nods before looking up to Soobin and passing a wink 'we'll talk!!!!'

Soobin raised his eyebrows 'really? I didn't knew'

Hyunsuk walked to Jihoon and smiled "Yes" Jihoon took his hands and dragged him away from the council room towards the man's washroom.

"Woah" Hyunsuk let out a gasp when Jihoon almost shoved him inside and locked the door. "Is something wrong hoon?" Hyunsuk asked this time being worried because of his friends behavior.

"Is he your Soobinnie hyung? The one you call always?" Hyunsuk's eyes looking like boba blinked twice before he nods. "Are you trying to hook up with two people?"

"He is my friend hoon...the only friend I can share everything with"
Jihoon cornered him in no time making Hyunsuk's heart skip a beat.

"Yeah right we aren't friends anyways" he said and kissed Hyunsuk's lips aggressively. Pulling back later "we are more then that"

He pulled Hyunsuk by waist and kissed him again, nibbling his bottom lips and taking them in between his teeths. Making Hyunsuk let out a breath. They parted again..

"Jihoon...we never became something more then friends" Hyunsuk wanted it. He wanted a confession not kiss after kiss.

"Yeah" Jihoon took Hyunsuk's hands again "but promise me before you are not gonna make fun of it" Hyunsuk nods and that's when Jihoon dragged him out again running out of the main gate

"Yahh where are you taking me?!" Hyunsuk asked from behind trying to match Jihoon's energy.

Hyunsuk tried to catch his breath as he stood just beside Jihoon looking forward to a heart hanging by the tree next to the bench he would have his lunch at before when Jihoon was still not talking to him.
He walked ahead and saw a heart drawn with red cupcakes set on the bench. Squinting his eyes he looked up at Jihoon. "Ok! Don't laugh somethings still there!" Jihoon jogged infront nd took the cupcake tray in his hands. In the middle he kept a small box...Ring?

Hyunsuk looked back and forth from the cupcake tray to Jihoon waiting for him to open the box.

"Open!" Jihoon blinked back landing on earth and nodding.

"Oh yes yes" he opens the box slowly..

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