Why are you doing this?

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Somehow I can't stop smirking by the thought of making him suffer. I don't know why I want to see his different expression, different then that Happy and flattering expression.

We reached his home and he entered first and I followed him quietly, going inside I knew What I have to do. I know him enough to think of a plan, I know this is rude and he didn't do anything to suffer but I can't help but get mad every time I see him Smiling on his own while thinking about something. Whole ride this man neither looked at me nor talked to me and kept smiling/blushing on his OWN. I wonder why Choi Hyunsuk.

I glanced at the large TV in the living room "can we watch any movie?" He looked at me almost instantly, with shocked expression he looked speechless.

"M-movie? Us? Why?"

"Why? We can't watch a movie?" He frowned and thought before he shook his head and went towards the TV turning it on and doing something. He walked towards me, somehow my heart started racing by him walking towards, why the hell is this room dark? And why does the moonlight is coming from those big big glass windows as if they are the only source of light. Hyunsuk come infront of me his face emotionless and he hands me the remote.

Because of you my heart is beating so fast.

Because of you I am angry.

Because of you I Feel sad that you have a emotionless face infront of me.

All because of you Choi Hyunsuk.

He turned around and went towards his bedroom. "I'll change and come back you can select and watch whatever." He disappeared.

I put my right hand over my left side of the chest. Stop beating so fast you stupid heart or I might kill you.

I turned back to the television. I know what to play and I am not changing my plan. I will be putting a horror movie and will skip the intro and name then stop at the first scene so that he won't know, I'll make him watch one. You are not escaping today Choi Hyunsuk.

I did the set up and sat on the couch waiting for him to appear. He came back after a few good Minutes.

He looked me up and then down before glancing at the black TV screen.

He settled on the bean bag set next to the couch. "Which movie is it? Start it" he said without looking at me and I smirked before starting the movie. I started munching the pack of snack I found in the kitchen, he had no idea which movie was it. Usually the first scenes are always good and it was same with this one as well 15 Minutes in the movie and I think he already has an Idea what genre is it. He glanced at me and His chest rising up and down a little heavier by every minute passing by He suddenly got up as soon as he heard weird music playing. I got up too, smiling in victory.

He turned towards his room nd before he can walk I ran and held his wrist, I pulled him harshly and arm locked him landing back on the couch. "Ahhhhh Jihoon!!!!! LEAVE ME!" He shouted. But I ignored his screams

"It's not a big deal...this isn't that scary, Watch it, don't you trust me?" He squirm in my hold and tried to free himself, he is being a little too much I know it's the movie but oh come on, I turned his body to lay him on the couch and hovered over him. "Stop it...Choi Hyunsuk" his eyes had tears.

"What are you doing- No! Why are you doing this?!" He yelled.

"Why? You don't wanna enjoy this moment with me? But I am loving it" I said with a teasing tone.

"W-what do you mean Jihoon" he gulped. I went closer to his ears.

"You loved it with Yeonjun? Your little hangout with your boyfie I mean"

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