Yes my love♥︎

402 37 19

Hyunsuk's smiled dropped then slowly turned into small chuckled and then big laughters. He held his stomach and knelt down slowly laughing at the most unexpected thing he has ever seen.

"Come on it's not that bad" Jihoon whined at the reaction but still smiling, he just loves the way he can't stop himself from smiling even if he should whine for Hyunsuk laughing.

Hyunsuk stood up and cupped Jihoon's cheeks with both hands, and pecked his lips, pressing it together for a moment and parting as he looked back down again at the tray.

Stepping back he smiled and admired the tray chuckling. Jihoon stood still "Now I understand why there are only red velvet and blueberry cupcakes there" Jihoon grins

Jihoon had the heart drawn with Red velvet and blueberry cupcakes and in the middle there was a box with red and blue marvel themed big ring and at the place of diamond there was spider-man's huge head... which actually looked cute but that was his propose ring?

Hyunsuk chuckled again.

"Do you like it?" Jihoon asked after being quiet for a while.

Hyunsuk was happy. He was happy that he met Yoshi, he was happy that Jihoon left him, he was happy that Yoshi betrayed him, he was happy that he saw Jihoon in that party and lastly he was happy that he tried to make up with Jihoon. He wanted it. This is what he was missing when he was left alone and lonely. He was happy now that he had Jihoon. "Suk?" Hyunsuk looked up to see Jihoon staring at him with the gaze that screamed "I LOVE YOU" Hyunsuk nods, blush creeping on his cheeks..

"Yes hoon! I like it" Jihoon smiled in relief and kept the tray down just picking up the box in which the ring was kept, he picked out the ring and knelt down on one knee. "Hoon..."

"Choi Hyunsuk, please Please be my boyfriend. I can't see you being just my Friend and especially with someone else. I like actually I love you! Please" Hyunsuk chuckled again..

"Are you begging?"

"Yes! Please be mine!"

Hyunsuk sat down infront of Jihoon pulling him by arm to sit on the grass too, making him stumble a little.
"Yes, I want to be yours too! I love you too!" He sticks out his ring finger of his left hand. Jihoon took out the ring and takes Hyunsuk's hand putting the ring on it.

"Can I court you?" Jihoon asked still holding Hyunsuk's hand to get a nod and the biggest smile from Hyunsuk

"Yes please! Can we get married already???" Hyunsuk jumped and hugged Jihoon tight making him fall back. Jihoon laughed at Hyunsuk's cute behavior.

"Oh well sure my love" Hyunsuk blushed and snuggled more in Jihoon's neck.






-7 years later.

Hyunsuk jumped out of the car, his baggy outfit making him look even smaller as he swung closing the car door and walking in the building and pressing the button for elevator to come down. He stood straight and looked at his left to see his neighbor.

"Oh Mr. Park you are back?" She smiled sweetly and Hyunsuk returned her smile.

"Yes, my work finished there so it was an early leave. I miss my baby"

The lady chuckled "you'll be shocked to hear we never saw anyone coming out of your unit once?" Hyunsuk frowned and then he heard the ding indicating the lift arrived.

"I'll check myself" the lady nods

Hyunsuk pressed 18th floor and waited for the lift to drop him at his destination. He bites his bottom lips in nervousness.

When the lift arrived he walked fast towards his unit and opened the door after pressing in the pins. Quiet.....he was met with darkness and quietness. It's 10 in the morning and he wondered why he can't see his husband sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap?

Hyunsuk ran towards there shared bedroom and swung open the door.

Quiet, dark and cold but he can see the comforter being fluffed up. Someone was there.

He turned on the light and walked towards the king sized bed. He pulled the comforter and his jaw dropped at the sight of his husband and

His 2 y/o sleeping peaceful. He smiled and shook his head sitting on the bed.

"Yah! You guys wake up!" He walked to open the curtain. He was relieved that his Son and His husband was all ok and nothing happened to them. 

"Jihoon!!! Wake up! It's 10 you are late for office!" Hyunsuk knew Jihoon asked to work from home for a few days since Hyunsuk went to japan for a seminar. But he didn't knew his husband would slack off.

Jihoon opened his eyes slowly and when he saw Hyunsuk his eyes widened and mouth breaking into a big smile as he sat straight and then got off the bed running to his husband and engulfing him in a hug. Jihoon picked up Hyunsuk and swung him around. Kissing his neck and pampering him. "Man! Jihoon! I was just away for a week! Put me down!"

Jihoon puts him down and kissed his husband just to get pushed.
"Yah! Brush your teeths first! Gross!" They both chuckled and arms around each other as they moved from left leg to right, moving their bodies together in sinc, dancing to an unknown beat, staring into each others eyes.

7 years of relationship and 3 years of marriage it was like the fate was always in favor when it came to them. laughing, crying, struggling, working hard and living moments, they shared it all-

"Pa-pa" Hyunsuk looked at the king sized bed to see his son rubbing his eyes cutely and turned towards them still laying.

"Aigoo my Doyoungie!" Hyunsuk went to scoop up his son in his arms and kissed him all over his face.
"Gosh my baby, I missed you!" He hugged the little boy tightly looking back at Jihoon who was watching them with a pleasant smile..

"Hyunsuk.." he said and came closer hugging them both. "We missed you too. I am sure you did a great job there too my love" Hyunsuk nods.

"Hmm you too!- but wait your office hour Jihoon! It's 10!" Jihoon raised up his brow, tilting his head and thinking for a while before he spoke up.

"Well...after you left I was doing work from home but Doyoungie looked so lonely so I took leave— for 4 days, 3 days are still left. I took it just yesterday." Hyunsuk shook his head.

His husband was always like this.  But he was happy with him and his life. They were just a normal family, with Enough income to adopt a kid and provide him everything, with chaotic and loud times together. He nods.

"Ok only this once!"

They smiled and checked to see their son again drowned off to sleep. Chuckling and sharing a kiss before they went in for their normal day routine.

Not every story gets what the main character wants but if even with parting ways and then putting in efforts to make it up, if they are meant to be they'll be together. For Jihoon and Hyunsuk they were always meant to be. From the moment they first met during the new session beginning of there 1st grade to their college graduation to struggling for job. They were always meant to be and even after so long and for all the upcoming years one thing was for sure...

They'll be together and always

There for each other....

-The end

Thank you! Thank you so so so much for reading my story!

It ended so quick!? Huh?? But thank you for reading it till the end and loving it. If there were any mistake or anything you wanna say or talk bout feel free to comment. I am so sorry for slow slow updates but I am so happy for the support this story got and so unexpectedly!

Thank you!

See you soon~

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