a place only we know

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Hyunsuk pouts as he once again cringed at what happened yesterday, when he came in the living room.

"Ughhh!!!" He threw his head back and walked back to his room, gosh he can't even go in the living room now because all he does is remember everything once he come across the couch.

"Park Jihoon!!! I am going to killl you!" He threw his pillow getting mad at his long time friend and part time enemy, they had no absolute reason to kiss! Why would they end up kissing when he knew exactly what Jihoon thought of him.

He pulled his hairs in frustration "ughhh it's enough, it's enough, it's enoughhhh!" He sighs and falls back on his bed. He didn't knew exactly what he felt "I can't even tell this to someone and rant about my hearts problems-"

Tho he hated Jihoon for what he thought but he can't deny the fact that he liked the kiss, Jihoon was a good kisser and his first kiss definitely didn't go to waste.

He touched his lips, how can Jihoon...?

"Hyunsuk-ah!" He heard his mom calling him from downstairs. Saying a small 'Yes' he got out of the room and went down. "We are getting off for work mhm? Do eat your lunch we'll be back before dinner and you can ask aunt heesun to cook what you want ok?" Hyunsuk sighs before nodding.

"Hmm byee!"

"Bye my son" the male got back to his room and dramatically fell on the bed.

Ahh I feel so tired for nothing

Time skip

Hyunsuk woke up to a knock on his door. He rolls off his bed and walks towards the door while rubbing his eyes. "Ughh stop it! Wait a minute" he was annoyed by the continues knock, but most importantly when did he fell asleep? That was weird.

Opening the door, he yawns and lean on the door frame before he slowly opens his eyes. Grey sleeper, Usually guest uses it at his house. Black sweatpants, hmm looks oversized too, grey hoodie, simple? Arms crossed, sleeves pulled up till his elbow, veins almost like they'll burst out, so manly. Pump lips, cherry red in color, a few moles decorating and there a heart mole under his right eyes. Hyunsuk stood straight, Jihoon! It's Jihoon!

Suddenly all of his laziness flew out the window. Is he dreaming by any chance? He frowns and shook his head. "Yah what are you doing here!?"

Jihoon gulps and fix his position, looking away he spoke. "get ready, we are going somewhere" simply saying it he walked down the stairs.

"Yah!" The smaller male yelled but he neither turn nor showed any sign that he heard him. Hyunsuk puffed his cheeks, what does he thinks of himself? A boss? Duh.

He closed his door, walked inside his bathroom washing his face and oh god, looking in the mirror he is ashamed he fell asleep at this hour. His face looks so puffy now! Tch.

He walked down the stairs to the kitchen to grab some ice cubes from the fridge, Jihoon was sitting on the couch how can he sit so normally at the same place where he kissed me like a fucker that he is.

Hyunsuk was mad, yes he was. Not because Jihoon kissed him...it was probably the most beautiful thing he ever did but the fact that even after the kiss Jihoon had the question of if the rumors around the college was true or not. Hyunsuk was disappointed that even tho Jihoon knows his for a good 16 years or so, how in the world can he even imagine that Hyunsuk did it.

The younger can't do anything but sigh. Whatever.

He started massaging his face with the ice cube gently and stare at nothing, just spacing off. He nods for something he doesn't know? Is he going crazy? Woah maybe he is.

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