My New Look

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-1 week later...

Hyunsuk hummed happily while walking next to Jihoon, since the day they got here Jihoon noticed how happy Hyunsuk was. He always mentioned how he would become more and more confident with his appearance and when it comes to talking to other people.

" was your day?" Hyunsuk looked at Jihoon smiling. His day started well and is ending well. Ofc having ice cream and a late night walk would make a happy ending for everyday.

"Jihoon- you cannot imagine but today was extra great!" Like always...that how hyunsuk has been starting his sentences nowadays almost daily when he asked about the later's day.

"Jihoon you know...Yoshi said I would look extra pretty if i wear the clothes he buy me...he said I look cute in baggy outfits!" Jihoon's soft smile dropped. He frowns and kept looking at the smaller male who was blushing now.

" shouldn't borrow things from someone else's money" Jihoon said in a rather stern voice.

"No hoon, chill...he told me he'll arrange a part time job for me if i need one and that set of cloth was just a gift." Jihoon was confused now.

"Suk don't you get allowance? Why would you work?"

"Chill Hoon I didn't start working. I just told him I Don't have enough money to buy such clothes and he said he can arrange me a part time job if i want ..that's it"

Jihoon sighs.


Oh hell days passed by and these two? Well they are somehow always bickering now. Even if they are tired from every college activities they somehow had energy to argue and fight at some small thing and somehow always related to Hyunsuk's friends.

But today, Jihoon didn't wanted that. He came back home with dinner packed in his hands. He bought a meal way back home. He kept it on the table and saw Hyunsuk watching the soccer match with too much interest that he didn't even notice, Jihoon's presence. Jihoon chuckled and set plate on the table and serve the dinner, before patting Hyunsuk's shoulder.

"Suk let's have dinner" Hyunsuk just smiled and nods but kept sitting on the couch for a few more minutes before finally running towards the small dinning space after he heard Jihoon yelling his name.



Hyunsuk looked up at Jihoon. It's been 2 week since they came here and it has been a roller coaster ride already.

"I have to go to Jaehyuk's birthday party...which is tomorrow...Sooooo I won't eat dinner with you and might return home late.." Hyunsuk shove a Bite of his meal as soon as he finished his sentence.

"Oh...okay but be back before 12 suk" Jihoon smiled and let the smaller male do what he wants to do.

"Yeahh!!! Jihoon Don't worry" Hyunsuk yelled in excitement.

Jihoon walked back to home while using his phone looking at the text his roommate his home sent him.

He smiled 'come back home fast I need to show you Something' 

Jihoon was indeed late today because he had to attend some extra class. He put back his phone in his pocket thinking about Hyunsuk.

He cannot believe Hyunsuk actually Socialized so fast at this new place. He already had 5 friends in just 3 weeks of being here. It might sound stupid but no it's a real suprise Hyunsuk can hardly make 1 friend even in a month there old friends had to gain Hyunsuk's trust in probably 3-4 months. So Jihoon was definitely suprised when he often heard a few names during there dinner. But somehow... just somehow deep down Jihoon didn't felt a good energy when he met of the people Hyunsuk mention always since day 1 of them starting there college life.

In these 3 weeks they both were pretty busy with there own stuffs but had enough time to checkup on each other and have dinner together which Jihoon would cook most of the time as Hyunsuk wasn't so good in cooking. Or they'll simple just order. But today because Jihoon was already late and the sky was dark it was 7 after all so  Jihoon decided to buy there dinner from a food stall he saw on his way back home.

He entered there apartment and closed the door behind.

"Choi I brought us food come let's have dinner" Jihoon threw his bag on the couch and went inside the kitchen keeping the food on the kitchen counter while he washed his hands.

Soon enough he felt someone standing behind him he smiled. Who else if not Hyunsuk? He missed his home he turned excited to see his chick

His smile dropped as soon as his eyes landed on the smaller male. His eyes looked confused and shocked while. He looked totally lost.

What. In. The. World.

"Ta-da!!" Hyunsuk squeal in excitement as he show Jihoon his new look.

"Hoon look I had a haircut and
Bleached my hairs Yoshi said it would look good on me and Jaehyuk too I also love it!" He exclaimed and checked himself with his Phone's front camera. Not noticing the man infront of him who was almost freeze at the sight.

Jihoon slowly brings his hands to touch Hyunsuk's hairs and as soon as he touched them he took in a sharp breath and pulled back his hands.

Hyunsuk looked at him, still grinning not reading the room.

"You like it?"

Jihoon blinked his eyes a few times and finally he looked away searching for a answer.

I- how is it real?

"Y-You didn't Hyunsuk-ah?" Jihoon finally spoke.

Hyunsuk looked at Jihoon like Just now he heard a very unbelievable thing from Jihoon.

"I mean....why would I hoon? I never asked you if i can cut my hairs"


Yeah why would he. Jihoon nervously chuckled and scratch his nape.

"Y-Yeah that I mean... you didn't told me"

"Oh yeah I just went to the hair salon with Jae and Yoshi they were bleaching there hairs and so I also did it" Hyunsuk shrugged.

"O-oh" Jihoon nods not looking at Hyunsuk and turned to set the plate on the dinning table instead.

"Oh Jihoon... I had Dinner already" Jihoon's action stopped mid way as he looked at Hyunsuk.

"Huh?" Jihoon wasn't found of the thing that his Best friend actually not only cut his hairs and bleach it but also had his dinner without Jihoon knowing.

"I said I had dinner with Jae and Yoshi did i forgot telling you?" He walked towards his room typing on his phone not looking at the other male who now stood there like stupid.



Heyy ppl...

I know i am running with the chapters and skipping time but It's all going to be okay in a few chapter I hope you'll like it! And please vote and never hesitate to leave your thoughts in the comment.

I'll be back with another chapter. Thank you!


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