So close but still far

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Hyunsuk got out of his Room after he washed up. He limped towards to dinning area, thank god he didn't fall or it would have been a mess infront of Jihoon who would only hate it and nothing more.

Noticing that Jihoon was set on the dinning table already, a plate set with some delicious food infront of where he was sitting. Hyunsuk tried to walk normally without limping or it would embarrass him. Jihoon Looked away from his phone screen towards Hyunsuk's ankle,

He is walking pretty normally tho? Is he lying again? Jihoon scoffed by the thought of the shorter male lying yet again.

Hyunsuk settled infront of him and looked at Jihoon hesitantly. "You..."

"I ate already" Jihoon said firmly and got back on his phone, so Hyunsuk nods and starts eating. He already knew his aunt's cooking skills are one of the best no doubt but how does the food tastes even better? Is it because he is eating her food after long time? Neverthless the food was perfect according to Hyunsuk, he enjoyed his dinner while glancing at Jihoon once or twice, he was not used of having quiet dinners, his family is pretty talkative and chaotic so they chat alot while eating there meal. And not to forget this habit of talking and laughing while having dinner also left a habit in Hyunsuk of telling some sort of stories while he is having his meal, he just somehow comes to remember everything while having a meal.

Hyunsuk scratched his head and let's out a sigh. How boring I was better alone. The dinner was awfully awkward and boring for the smaller male.

"Tell Aunt the food is very good, and I am sorry for not coming over, I already had my ankle sprained a few weeks back so today I stepped wrong and it's again painful."  Hyunsuk said with a cheerful voice, and bright smile.

Jihoon looked up at Hyunsuk with squinted eyes and huffed. "Sprained my ankle" he Mumbled with a taunting way. "Why don't you just stop lying Choi? Isn't it much easier to just tell the truth?"

Hyunsuk kept looking at Jihoon with his boba eyes not uttering a word as he understood nothing by whatever Jihoon said just now "lying?" He mumbled softly and thought again of what Jihoon said just now.

"Yes, lying you lied about making Dasik and you just now lied about your Ankle sprain so that you can sleep more probably?"

Hyunsuk now understood what Jihoon meant. "Look, Jihoon you also know even if I lie my parents won't shut up about it so if you wanna confirm you can ask them and if I want to rest I can just tell my parents and they would let me, you also know that don't you? If they never forced me for school daily then this is nothing" he chuckled "funny how you thought i would lie to stay at home, you can leave the lunch I will clean it and hand it to your mom personally." He got up from the chair aggressively and Took one step to walk to the wash basin. "Ouch-!!" He falls on the ground when the pain shots in as soon as he kept his left foot on the ground. He held his ankle with the unbearable pain and whimpers in pain.

Jihoon who watched that happen Got up from his chair immediately as well and went to Hyunsuk for help. His hands automatically made there way towards Hyunsuk back in an attempt to pick him up but wait- he stopped and looked at Hyunsuk's face again. Eyes closed tightly, sweating forehead, pain totally visible on his face made Jihoon believe that he should really help him. He tried to pick him up in bridal style just to get lightly pushed on his chest which didn't affect him at all but he looked down at Hyunsuk again.

"You should leave. I don't want you to stay longer"

Jihoon just shook his head and picked Hyunsuk up in bridal style. "Who told you I will do as you say?"

"Who told you  to believe the pain was real?" Hyunsuk countered back with an unexpected question. Jihoon didn't look at Hyunsuk's face and kept walking towards his room without speaking a word. "Tell me Jihoon? I lied you said then who told you to help me out? Why would you pick me up out of nowhere?" Hyunsuk wiggles in the hold to free himself.

"Stay quiet Choi, this isn't the first time I picked you up like this"

Hyunsuk cursed Jihoon in his mind while glaring at him. And just sighs and looked away. "If you stay any longer i am calling Aunt and telling her to force you back home" Hyunsuk stated while looking away.

"Dare to call" Jihoon looked straight at Hyunsuk with stern eyes and softly kept Hyunsuk on his bed. "This attitude of your will only make me wanna stay to prove you wrong, you know that?"

Hyunsuk felt shivers with the stare and words, he shut his mouth and gulped and a slight pout appeared on his lips.

"Good" Jihoon went to the other side of the room leaving Hyunsuk on the bed. "Is this the place you keep your firstaid kit?" Jihoon asked while looking around over Hyunsuk's cabinet.

"M-mom probably kept it somewhere I don't know" he replied, eyes fixed on the bed.

"Mom....I should call and ask her" Jihoon soon left the room with phone in his hands. Hyunsuk held his chest, cheeks having light shade of pick as he dramatically fall on his bed. He silently screamed.

What the fuck happened just now!!! Omfg!

He lay down straight and pull the comforter to cover himself. "I hate you Park.... this gives me hopes you asshole." He said the last part almost as a whisper because of how much bad he felt.

Great timing we call it Jihoon entered as soon as Hyunsuk finished speaking making the later cover his face and mouth with his other hands  it'll be hard to explain if Jihoon heard that.

Jihoon sat on the edge of the bed and took out Hyunsuk's feet slowly. He put some gel cream and rub the area gently all Hyunsuk knows is that this is giving him so much hopes.

To be continued...

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