hang out-

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// I'll be adding some other groups members in here and there age will be the same as Jihoon and Hyunsuk I hope it is ok//

reached the restaurant he was going to hang out with his old high school friend. It was like a reunion Jihoon always waited for, he adored his old friends from school days but oh lord he didn't know how he was a little late even tho he was so much excited. That was all because of mom ughh

He opened the door and walked in straight to see the last corner area was occupied by the people he wanted to meet for a long time now.

"JIHOON!!" Yelled one of them named Chan.

Lee Chan Jihoon's last years bench mate and Prank buddy.

Jihoon smiled brightly and hugged Chan giving him a few pats on his back. Breaking the hug he looked at everyone on the table. The familiar faces all grown up in his eyes, he missed the sight.

Lastly his gaze dropped on the left corner of the table there sitting Choi Yeonjun and Choi Hyunsuk. The taller male had his hands wrapped around the smaller once shoulder, giving him a side hug while he waved at Jihoon smiling whole heartedly, Hyunsuk had the straw in between his lips sipping up his coffee...? Yes maybe? But he waved as well. Jihoon gave them all a smile but this time the smile was not so happy like before. He took the seat next to Choi Seungcheol the Class president of there class.

"Supp Jihoon! You look more masculine? You are working hard I guess huh?!" He asked in his teasing tone. As Jihoon just shrugged it away with a shy smile.

"You are also doing work out come on i have seen you Instagram posts" Jihoon replied while taking the glass of water and drinking it.

They all started to talk about different stuffs but whenever Jihoon's sight fell on the left corner, he Just wanted to get up and walk back home.

It's been 2 days already after that dinner night and since then Hyunsuk and Jihoon neither saw or talked to each other. And even right now Hyunsuk and Yeonjun both looked like they are in there own world. Yeonjun was Very close to Choi Hyunsuk, Jihoon never talked to that kid normally as he never really liked him but Hyunsuk kept them separate and was best friend with both Jihoon and Yeonjun. Yeonjun's  hands never left Hyunsuk's body, they were either resting on his shoulder or waist. They were talking about something Jihoon can't hear but they were not laughing. Yeonjun who's face Jihoon can see clearly, had a very small smile shouting 'happiness' and Hyunsuk had a pout which was the only thing visible from Jihoon's side as the smaller males face was turned towards the latter fully.

"Oii choi Couples don't only talk to each other let's play game everyone!" Dk cheered calling everyone's attention towards him.

"I mean if all of us have gather will have drinks later why not play classic 'truth or drink'??" Dk looked at everyone.

"Don't tell me Seokmin that all you can think of right now is game" Joshua said.

"Exactly! You are so smart Josh~" Joshua scoffed and eventually everyone agreed.

"Whoever doesn't answer!"

"DRINKS!!" They all cheered and began the game one by one.

"So Cheol, are you dating someone???" Seungcheol looked flustered and sneaked his arms around the person sitting next to him. Yoon Jeonghan. Who also looked away with blush spreading on his cheeks.

Everyone started teasing the couple.

"But accept it or not Cheol we already knew it since High school that you both with fell in love and date each other and might also marry each other one day" Yeonjun said.

"Okkk next Question! Jihoon!"

"What's the best piece of advice you have given?" Jihoon scoffed.

"Leave him" Jihoon shrugged and picked up his glass of drink, he looked at everyone's confused face. "That's the best adive I have given to someone I said 'cut your ties and leave them"

"Leave who?" Chan asked.

"You can only ask one question" he replied with a smirk. Everyone nod in understanding and move on. Jihoon glanced at Hyunsuk whl was looking at the food infront of him, more like spacing out. But soon Yeonjun brought up his attention by showing him somethings on his phone.

"Definitely you did it!" Dk said to Joshua for some thing he answered They all laughed at that mark and continued the game.

"Finally! Choi Hyunsuk the sweetheart! Your turn" they all looked at Hyunsuk with admiring eye's except for one, who was leaning in his chair and glaring at the direction of the next person to question.

"Yes yes! Bring it on" the smaller male cheered.

"Wahhh Choi Hyunsuk excited are you? When did you lose your virginity?" Hyunsuk's eyes grew big and he giggled seconds later of realizing the question.

"Omg what made you think I lost my virginity?? I have never even kissed anyone yet!" Hyunsuk laughed shyly when everyone gasped.

"Omg Hyunsuk if this was truth and dare I would have just dared you to kiss someone so that you can lose your first kiss to someone at least!" Everyone laughed at Jeongin's statement.

And moved on. Jihoon kept his eyes on Hyunsuk tho, he was confused.

How is the world was Hyunsuk still virgin? They said Hyunsuk slept Around with others? And Hyunsuk kiss just anyone randomly on dance floor because he was too drunk? Was it not true?

Hyunsuk turned around and there eyes met but the guy didn't let the eye contact last for more then a few seconds. He looked at other people with Blush slowly creeping on his face because of how intensely Jihoon was looking at him and that all just reminded him of that night and the sexual tension they had.

The round went on and it was again Jihoon's turn.

"Jihoon!!! The last ok?? Ok" dk being drunk spoke in his baby voice.

"Jihoon! Would you Hook up with your High school crush today if you can?"

Jihoon smirked while looking at his drink. He glanced at everyone before leaning back on his chair and answering. "Yes...yes I will" he took a moment to think of what he said. Was he drunk already? He probably is. He looked at Hyunsuk who was looking at him with doe eyes, those innocent eyes again. That's the thing that triggers him the most, Hyunsuk's innocent doe eyes.

"Hyunsuk! Yah focus where are you lost? It's your turn"

Hyunsuk looked at The others in an instant. "Y-yes"

"Ok sooo.....hm what's the thing you like the most about yourself?"

Hyunsuk pointed at himself. "Myself?" He thinks about it before answering. "Hmmm I would say, I am bad at lying and somehow that's the best and worst thing about me" he then continued with laughing it off "but the best thing isn't this, you know what it is? People don't get me even if i am telling the truth" he laughed harder and drank the left Soju in his glass. Everyone stared at him with confused eyes but then shrugged it off, except for one. He clenched his hands around his glass and scoffed in annoyance. For him Choi Hyunsuk is being Nothing but attractive right now.

To be continued...

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