A little hope to myself

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Hyunsuk woke up with his eyes feel heavy after all that crying he did while remembering old memories.

He sighs and gets up.

He heard his phone ringing what a great timing

He picked up his phone and saw the caller ID it's his mom. He smiled.

"Hey mom" he said in hid still sleepy tone.

"Hey Sukkie, how are you my baby" she asked in her sweet voice.

"I am good mom but...."

"Yes suk what is it?"

"Mom....Jihoon is being too much, what to do?" He asked with a pout sulking tho his mom can't see, she still chuckled cuz she already imagined her kid doing that.

"Oh my Baby, is Jihoon angry?"

Hyunsuk nods. "This is so hard now"

"Aigoo my little son, is he....really mad at you after all these time?" His mom asked hesitantly.

He sighs again. His one weakness? He can't hide anything when he is talking to someone he loves. One of the reason why his mom knew almost everything about him. Almost he said

"Yeah......but can't you answer mom?!" He whined when his took time to reply.

"Well Suk if it's Jihoonie then you can solve it with him. You can do it, just be yourself and you'll get it"

After a little more bickering Hyunsuk just cuts the call. His mom was of no use this time she kept saying that he can do something about it. But how can he? Jihoon didn't even look at him properly

Wait. I guess i shouldn't ignore mom's word. I didn't even try to get him back. Maybe I should? Or maybe not? But why not? Right?

He nods to himself. But to get Jihoon back who didn't even look at him now, it's going to be a difficult thing for him to do. He sighs.

Plan. Plan. Plan. I should a Plan.

He got ready his mind still busy thinking for a plan. I should Firstly see if he even remembers us being us...right? So i can use the things to make up. But that's so scary i haven't talked to him for so long, has stalked his a bit, got no communication skills what so ever, how in the world am i supposed to get to my plans now!!

Hyunsuk chuckled when he realized how fucked up he is and hard it's gonna be.

"Gosh Hyunsuk get a hold on yourself, you cannot just....make things harder"

He walked out of his unit but a little happier for some reasons maybe because some sweet memories took over his mind. Maybe because he knew this time he wanted to make up for his mistake. Maybe because he was just happy he'll get to see Jihoon's face smiling...well even if it's not for him.

Even during classes he had that sweet small smile plastered on his face while he kept thinking about the old days. Jihoon never actually left his head, since the day Jihoon moved out, Hyunsuk would somehow end up thinking about Jihoon every single night.

But here we are today Hyunsuk on his mission.

He follows Jihoon after his class and he was so happy that Jihoon entered the library. He wanted to talk to Jihoon alone.

But he won't talk today. He just wants to see if he can repair things with the old methods or he need to use the new once? But one thing for sure he will get something he lost...someone he lost

He would get back Jihoon's attention. He would get Jihoon back no matter what.

He follow Jihoon to one of the shelf and saw Jihoon searching for a book. He naturally stood behind the shelf, looking at the upper most book. Jihoon will walk towards the back side of the shelf too. And yeah finally for once god was on his side and Jihoon did came there next to Hyunsuk. Who's heart was racing even if he wasn't looking at Jihoon. He felt Jihoon's eyes on him for a while.

This is the time

He tippy toed and slightly jumped to reach for a book kept on the top.

"Soo... high" he stated and looked around. Jihoon wasn't looking at him anymore so Hyunsuk clears his throat before speaking.

"C-can you help me getting that b-book?"

Omg choi hyunsuk why did you stutter.

"Sorry I am busy" Jihoon walked away and didn't even glance at Hyunsuk who just stood there with a pout on his face.

Jihoon hates me for real

He sighs and walked out.

I should think of plans now will work....

"Soobinie hyung~~ why is this happening to me~!" He whined standing infront of the counter of the grocery store which is basically next to his house.

"Yah Choi Hyunsuk get a hold on urself, i am not done yet. Wait for me a lil while" Soobin said whispering.

Hyunsuk sighs and shook his head walking over to Soobin.

"Hyung~ can't you atleast give me a hug?" He pouted with his Boba eyes staring at soobin with hopes. Soobin knew Hyunsuk liked hugs and physical affection, he always asked for hugs when something will go wrong, Soobin chuckled and pat his head.

"Choi Hyunsuk, I told you to wait right? Just 10 mins okay?" Soobin bent down to match Hyunsuk's height. "After all we'll go at my place after this right?"

Hyunsuk's face light up as soon as he heard that. "Woah really Hyung? I can play PS4?"

"Sure" Soobin got back to work when he heard a costumer approaching them.

Choi Soobin, 25 year old boy who had already completed his college and is now doing research work in the university, the young man comes for a good famiy of doctors, his both parents are doctor and own a hospital, tho he lives a very normal life, he lives alone in apartment, and works part-time at this place because he felt like he was doing nothing for himself. He is a introverted person but he likes Hyunsuk's presence around himself tho they are in the same University, Soobin would rarely get chance to meet Hyunsuk inside the campus most probably because there timing never matched.

"You two make a cute couple" the teenager girl in her highschool uniform said and giggled, making them look at each other in shock. Hyunsuk turned his head to the other side blushing.

"N-no we aren't dating.." he said stuttering, Soobin looked down and chuckled, he found Hyunsuk cute at the moment but he knew Hyunsuk liked someone else. He thanked the customer and bow.

He then turned to Hyunsuk.

"Hyunsuk-ah we are done~" he sang while smiling hard because of the little ones reaction. He closed the store and went to his apartment ofc with the presence of a little man walking next to his clinging on his arms probably because of the cold weather? Soobin don't wanna know cuz his heart will only flutter if knows the reason.

"We are home'" Soobin said setting the pain of home sleeper infront of hyunsuk.

"Yeahh!~~" Hyunsuk said running inside happily.

"You can play the game I'll bring something to eat, bet you haven't had dinner" Soobin said walking to the kitchen.

"Thank you hyung you are the best!"

Hyunsuk knew it was his only friend and support in seoul city and he was so much thankful that it was Soobin and not anyone else. He loved the older guy and how he took care of him.


Kinda busy but I'll try my best!!
Stream Jisoo solo!!!!!
And also we are getting so many sukhoon crumbs and i am so happy!


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