IF You knew

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Only if he knew how much I hate him, he would probably stop coming over

Jihoon scoffed by his thoughts and walked towards the fridge to get some juice.

He drink the Juice directly from the container and almost choked when he heard loud laughters coming from the living room.

"Ugh this annoying kid" Jihoon let out a big sigh and got back to the living room where Hyunsuk was sitting with Jihoon's mom and dad.

Tho Hyunsuk came here to drop by some stuffs his mom asked to return to my mom but looking at him right now he seems overdressed for doing only that work.

Jihoon shook his head and bite his lower lips from that annoying feeling creeping inside him, Just a day back This Choi Hyunsuk guy mumbled some nonsense while being drunk and slammed the door on Jihoon's face and here he is today,  sitting, chatting and laughing with his parents.

"Oh It's almost the time, I'll take my leave now." Hyunsuk said while getting up and after he took a glance towards his phone. He smiled brightly once again "bye-bye see you soon-"

"Oh aigoo wait Hyunsuk-ah!" Mom said in a hurry and got up and looked at me. "Son drop him off towards the neon square" my eyes widened.

"W-What! But who said I am free to do so huh?!"

"Yah!! What are you busy with then??!" My mom yelled back with her hands on her waist which simply means danger. I sigh.

"OK! Only this time" I took a quick glance at Hyunsuk who was also glancing back and fourth from my mom to me. I huffed and went to my room changed in a loose polo with cargo pants.

Walking out I took the car keys and walked out with Hyunsuk tailing me from the back.

I ignore him and get in the car starting it, he took the passengers seat and put his seat belt. I started driving with the ride being awfully awkward and quiet. Does he even remember what he did yesterday? I took a glance again to see him looking out from the window. He looked calm. But firstly what is he going to do at the neon square? Wasn't he not used to crowded plac-

Ahh  I almost chuckled when realization hit me, he is now used to the crowd, he goes clubbing and stuffs ofc the hoe behavior has got on him.

"Thanks...and Sorry" i hear him say out of the blue in a small voice.

I sigh before speaking "what for?"

He look down before looking back at his side. "For yesterday...Sorry and for today thank you" I just hummed.

This is maybe the most normally we have talked face to face ever since that fight last year. I didn't knew what was in his mind but he looked lost in his thoughts. Soon we arrived and he got out of the car first followed by me.

"You can go back now i guess" he said scratching his neck.

"No, whoever you are waiting for when he arrives then I'll leave or else mom will be mad" I said coldly without looking at him.

Hyunsuk's Pov

I glanced at him and nodded "well suit yourself" I looked around and finally spotted my another best friend from school Yeonjun, we were deskmates and used to do projects together Because of that, soon we became very close and finally best friends at the reunion party we tried to catch up with most of our things there but something more happened in my life so he wanted to talk to me personally and who am I to decline his offer. I smiled before waving my hands up in the air.

"Yeonjun-ah!!" He looked directly in my direction and smiled back before walking towards me and wrapping his hands around me, even tho he just wrapped in his one hand around me it was almost as if he scooped me, which made me giggle at his silly tricks that he still do. He broke the hug and looked at me

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