My oldself?

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I ran to Choi Hyunsuk's house as soon as I got ready and had breakfast. We had no plans in particular it was just that i missed him.

Day before yesterday when we spent our night together staring in each others eyes, sharing sweet stories and making each other feel warm just by our presence, I felt so different, so new and so much more happier. When I stopped talking to him my brain forced me to become someone I can never be at first place but suddenly when we reunited after so long I feel like my heart has broken the wall and screaming in excitement to live like how I used to
... how we used to.

It feels like my oldself has came back to life.

Before when we used to live here running to Hyunsuk's house in the morning during holidays was my routine, I broke in a bunch of chuckles when I remembered just how much of a handy kid Hyunsuk can be.

Looking around I slow down slightly, The weather was perfect. Sun above my head but clouds running around and hiding the sun behind themselves in between, the wind slow but at the same time very calm, trees slowly moving everytime wind blows and waves at them, everything and everyone suddenly looked in good mood. I wonder if Hyunsuk is in good mood too?

Hyunsuk! Oh yeah Hyunsuk! I started running again reaching his house in no time soon. When I enter I see aunt choi in the in the garden watering the new flowers that bloomed. It was a white Rose so pure and sweet. "Hii Aunt!"

She looked at me in suprise and smiled sweetly later on and waved towards me. "Jihoon! Hii, what are you doing here in the morning?" She walked towards me and looked me up and down.

"I came here to meet Hyunsuk and maybe...take him out?" I scratched the back of my head shyly.

"Oh's been a long time since I saw uri Jihoon approaching Hyunsuk." I looked up to her and saw her wink towards me in a playful way and giving me a thumbs up next "good job son~ he is sleeping go go go wake him and take him out" I chuckled and nod.

She looked like she was pushing me towards Hyunsuk but I had no objections, I was here for him only so ofc.

I went upstairs to his room and response. "I'll take it as 'come in' ok?" He said and open the door, closing it behind he turned to meet a sleeping beauty, laying on his bed and hugging the pillow like how he cuddled him the other night. He is so cute! Jihoon walked towards him and slowly moved the his hairs which was covering his face. "You are really so cute suk~"

He sat down without on the floor making any noise and stared at his beautiful face. His lips pouty, eyes shut and brows frowning. He chuckled and tilt his head "how come someone can look cute even while sleeping?" He pecked the sleeping males nose before he flicked his forehead and woke him in one go.

"Auh!" Hyunsuk rolled the other way  holding his head now laying om his stomach "ahh!" He whined and sat up with his comforter over his head making his look like a mountain covered in snow. He glared at Jihoon and rolled his eyes before falling back down on his stomach.


"Sorry what?" Jihoon got up and support his body with one knee on his bed as he leaned in to hear more clearly.

"I said 'Jihoon get out' dumbhead!!" Hyunsuk turned towards Jihoon while yelling and stopped to see there faces close enough to make his heart skip a beat. Jihoon turned to look down at Hyunsuk, beautiful...

The beauty working badly on his made his lose his balance and fall on top of hyunsuk with his hands supporting him to not fall on his face.

Hyunsuk glanced up nervously watching as Jihoon shifts down to match Hyunsuk's face level.

"That's now how you great people but Good morning to you too" Jihoon smirked when he saw Hyunsuk covering his lips with the comforter.

"Good morning... Hoon" Jihoon kissed his forehead for a brief moment before getting up and walking away from his bed to the door.

"I am walking out to get you some water, get up and freshen up" Hyunsuk nods and hides further under the comforter.

As soon as he heard the door he buried his face in the pillow and screamed on the top of his lungs.
"God!!!! SO SO SO close!" He kicked his legs in the air and sat up "my morning breath stinks thank god I covered my face and Why would he kiss me!!!! Ughhhhhh god" he fell on the bed again dramatically before getting up and rushing the bathroom.

"Brush your teeth wash your face before he comes back crazy psycho!!" Hyunsuk hurried up to brush his teeth and harshly washed his face, putting on some cream.

He heard the room's door open and conscious over it. Rushing to that a towel hang around his neck so he can hide his face in between as much as possible.

" should actually take shower and dress up...I am planning to take you out for a tour around the city" Hyunsuk stared at the now shy Jihoon trying to explain his hands had no trace of water he was bout to bring. Hyunsuk smiled and nods. Nervous Jihoon is cute Jihoon. "Uhm also!" Jihoon said as soon as he saw Hyunsuk turning around to enter the bathroom. "Can you dress up like  oldself?" Hyunsuk then noticed what Jihoon was wearing.

A black and white combo loosen shirt and tight from thighs to loosen at the bottom black pants. He looked so much like how old Jihoon would dress up "Just like how you dressed up?" Jihoon beamed and nods like a puppy.

"Yes like ourselves" Hyunsuk chuckled.

"Be thankful Mr. Park My old Wardrobe is still the same so it won't be hard to find" Jihoon shook his head while chuckling

"Thank god Choi or else I would have waited 2hrs happily to see you like how you were"

Hyunsuk walked closer to Jihoon and tippy toed to peck his lips and ran to the bathroom "See you in a few~"

Jihoon gulped and touched his lips.

"See you in a few..."

To be continued

I'll bring the next ep just as soon as possible since it almost ready! Thank you for waiting love you <33

And also check the conversation! Please! And be safe everyone

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