Look at you

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"Are you okay now?" Yeonjun asked, still hugging me "you stopped crying?" He added. Is this why he kept hugging me for over 15 minutes? I chuckled

"Yes~ you can let me go now" he chuckled as well before letting me go. We smiled once our gaze met. "But you know the good part? I called the police and told them about everything and about Yoshi illegally buying drugs as well, they arrested him and his whole group" I smiled at the end of my speech and he did too with proud eyes. He pat my head.

"That's great Suk! I- I just wish that never happened but look you are so strong" I nod in agreement. He is right if this never happened I would have never knew I could come through something like this on my own. "Does he knows?" He asked and I looked at him again, frowning.


"Jihoon" my breath hitched and I looked down again.

"H-How can he know...we never talked after he left jun..." I said fidgeting my fingers.

"That jerk" my head snapped towards Yeonjun "how can he just leave and never even look back" he said with a irritated tone

"Jun...come on, it was my fault after all" I said

"Are you defending him or are you just being nice?" Hyunsuk looked down confused over his own attitude.

"There's other things i wanna share..." he says while scratching the back on his head and parting from Yeonjun.

"What? Did something else happen as well?" Hyunsuk's cheek tinted pink as he tried to summarize what he wanted to say in his head.

"Uhm you know I cared that Jihoon was looking at me but was scared Because I knew he hated me...I never approached him and you know For more then 1 year I never approached him neither did he, and after all these time finally a semester will come to an end and seniors will throw a party and they did, and I saw him there-...again" he looked up at Yeonjun. "You know for 1 year he never went out unless it was some club activity or extra classes and he was looking soooooooooooo Hot" Hyunsuk eyes glistening as he kept his hand on Yeonjun's trying to describe what he felt.

"But You know I ran away from there because he didn't even look at me, he kept looking at a boy named Mashiho, namely his current flat mate and batch mate as well. I felt so bad and jealous, i thought I'll bring back his attention to me and it'll be easy cuz Jihoon always paid attention to me before but I was completely dumbfounded when nothing worked with him Jun" Yeonjun chuckled at Hyunsuk's expression and cupped his face.

"Oh god Suk listen maybe he is still Just sulking ok? We can get him to you hmm?" They laughed at there own action and gave high-five. "Let's eat first thennnn.......shopping!!" Hyunsuk excitedly nodded and squealed quietly.

Jihoon's pov

I kept clenching my fist I kept staring unexpectedly at the direction of 2 of my old high school friends hugging each other while the one whom I hate I mean Hyunsuk is sobbing? Crying or whatever and Yeonjun is caressing his hairs with ohhh so love I didn't knew why I was still there but my Gaze never left there side since I saw how Hyunsuk turned into a small ball of sunshine as soon as Yeonjun Joined us near my car, he didn't only just forgot about me and gave Yeonjun sort of nicknames but also didn't even bid goodbye once they left. Since they sat there And I sat on the very opposite corner to not get caught, I have been watching them how everything they do radiates some sort of couples energy.

I don't know why I am here or what am I looking at but I see as Hyunsuk first looked lost then started speaking and now he was crying. What was he talking about with Yeonjun that made him cry? I wonder what?

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