New years gift

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-Hyunsuk 'Pov'

I wanted to wake up as early as I can but it was still. 9 am.....still early for me anyways. Woah early okay

I walk downstairs to see my parents sitting and having there morning tea while my dad is watching News and my mom is playing some sort of game in her phone. The scene never changed, it was always like this and I guess will be the same in future too.

"Good morning Mom and Dad!" I said cheerfully.

Even if my parents might look a little strict but once you get along with them and they get to know you, they are super chill and fun! Especially my Mom. They are one of the most chaotic couple I have seen, they can have a big fight and you'll think they won't talk for a day or so but the next minute you'll see them smiling and chilling together.

They looked at me and smiled dearly. I miss this sight so much actually...

"good morning honey" my mom said and got up from the couch.

"Let me give you breakfast, come" she said and walked to the kitchen I follow her with a grin.

"Mom....can you perhaps teach me how to make just... one simple sweet dish?!" I know she'll react like crazy...maybe? Cuz she is the crazy type. So chaotic

I heard in Uni that the Mashiho guy was from the cooking club and can cook pretty well. Coming to think about it I never even held a knife or anything. So cooking something for Jihoon while we lived together is far from my reach. I wonder how he will react if I cook him somethings especially sweet...he likes Sweet thing over Spicy things. I know that of course. Cooking might actually be fun? Who knows I am good at cooking? I just hope everything goes well and I can cook well. More then anything I hope he'll like it.

My mom snaps her fingers infront of my face and i look back at her. Did i just now...Space out? Woah Park Jihoon! Damn you!

"Hey kid! What in the world are you busy thinking huh?!" She asked with her hands resting on her waist.


"Anyways why do you wanna learn on how to cook a dish out of nowhere?"

I chuckled nervously and scratch my nape.

" know how much-...Jihoonie likes sweet food...I want to suprise him by cooking something for him" I explained fidgeting my fingers. I just hope she won't ask much and just give in.

"Oh gosh... you guys are still not talking?" She gasped dramatically.

"He is still mad at me Mom" I can just pout. It still made me disappointed at myself.

"I thought...ah wait! Why did you ask me to help you with calling Jihoon back home too?"


"Ofc mom for us everything started from this place. So i was very sure that I can solve it here as seoul to be honest there are many disturbance that's why"

Mom nods understanding what I just now said.

"So you want to cook something for him now..?"

"Yeah" I said proudly.

"O...Ok" she looks hesitant but I will make it delicious for Jihoon. I am sure I will



I ring the bell of Jihoon's house waiting with Patience. While I had a box of sweets dessert. My mom told me to make the perfect dessert I can gift the Park family on lunar new year.

"Oh!! Our Sukkie is here!?" Mrs. Park said and let me in. I walked inside and saw Jihoon and Mr. Park sitting on the couch not minding someone who just now came in, well they are both the same. Whenever they are reading something they won't mind there surrounding. Jihoon looked hot even if he was just minding his own business and reading a book, he still looked like out of a web drama.

"What brings you here son?" Mrs Park asked I stood in the hallway to the living room. I looked at her and smiled before speaking.

"Aunt...I made Dasik for you and your family as the Lunar New Year Gift" look! Even she was shocked to hear that I made something. I know Jihoon will be shocked as well and he will be proud of me...? Maybe?

"Omg! cooked?" She asked. Eyes wide open while she slowly took the box from my hands.

"Y-yeah mom guided me.." i look down in embarrassment.

She looked at me with amazement and open the lunch box to see the dessert well presented inside. I smiled shyly being a little proud of myself.

"I'll give this to Jihoon, he'll like it" Mrs. Park said and before I could say anything She jogged towards Jihoon and put the lunch infront of him. He looked up at her mom and said something quietly.

"It is Choi family's gift, eat it well" She didn't mention my name that I made it? I worked so hard tho? But again if she would have mentioned my name maybe Jihoon won't even touch it.


I Stare at him as he took the first bite after that he ate it again and again. This was enough to make me smile, being so lost in Jihoon that I didn't even notice Aunt standing next to me until she clears her throat.

" Jihoon is still mad at you?" I snapped at her. How did she knew.

Eyes wide open as I looked at her with shocke written all over my face I know my face might be flushed as well. I am embarrassed what else do you expect.

She chuckled lightly before speaking again.

"Your mom told me how you kept nagging because Jihoon won't talk to you and it's been a while now..? He is still the same?" Jihoon's mom asked with a concerned look.

I scratched my nap.
"It was my fault aunt, I hope you won't tell him about this" I said while my eyes were down to the floor.

"Sure...I won't tell him" she pat my back.

I nod, "I should leave might get worried it's late after all" I bow a lil to her.

"Sure Suk, tell your mom we should meet up this week and hangout it's been a while" I smile and nod.

While I just said goodbye to aunt and started walking towards the main door. I took a quick glance at Jihoon. My steps stopped as soon as our eyes met. He was looking at me

He was looking at me even before I glanced at him. He was actually standing infront of the kitchen. Did he hear us talking? How long has he Been standing there? First of all is he mad at me that I came to here, to his house at this hour? I don't know... I can't read his face. He doesn't looks shocked or suprised. He is just standing there with a stern face and stiffened body.

"Ohh Jihoon you are done eating? How was the it? Hyunsuk made it you know" his mom asked I looked at her and took a deep breath. Was I holding my breath? His gaze is so deadly what can I do!? I looked back at Jihoon, he was looking at his mom with suspicious eyes. He didn't believe her, I can tell that just by looking at his face. But before he catches me and kills me I should run away. I panicked and looked at his mom in and instant.

"I should leave aunt, thank you BYE!" I said and ran from there after I got out of there house I left a big sigh and shook my head. Such a great person I am, embarrassed myself infront of him yet again. I hate myself!!!! Ugh whatever. I just walked back home which is like just a block away.

I shouldn't have just ran away ughhhhhhh this is even more embarrassing!!!!!

To be continued...

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