Just the beginning~

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Hyunsuk jumped in excitement when he saw his mom's text telling him that Jihoon said yes and will go back to there home town on Wednesday which is just tomorrow and with the last bus at the night?

Wait what- that means he need to pack up!

Hyunsuk jumped out of his bed forgetting to reply or whatsoever and took out his luggage. Filling his everyday use items. He doesn't really needs to pack much as he is just going back home, but somehow he managed to fill that bag fully with his clothes and stuffs.

He sighs and falls on the couch. After catching his breath he picks up his phone and checked the time .... Gosh what the actual fuck. It was morning of Tuesday just now and it's already 6pm? He invested his whole day in packing?? Without eating anything? He sighs for the Nth time and pushed himself up from the couch.

He just walked out of his unit in the same home clothes he wore. Hoodie, with baggy sweatpants and beanie.

He just have to buy a ramen and coffee and a face hydrating mask before he goes back home he needs to look a little pretty right...? For his Mom ofc

He huffed at the thought of him trying to look pretty.

"Pretty my foot, he doesn't even looks at me..." Hyunsuk pouts as he feels shivers when he remembered how Jihoon passed by him and ignored him. "Oh gosh i don't wanna remember that"




Hyunsuk struggled to carry his luggage which was kinda heavy to the bus stop. He was not so early by the way...he was kinda late instead.

He didn't knew when will the last bus leave but he knew it was before 9pm at least. He wonders why Jihoon choosed to ride the last bus instead of the first one. They won't even get taxi when they reach there.

Hyunsuk stopped on his way when he saw Jihoon sitting on the bus stop. Earphone plugged in and he looked like he was typing something. He looked so focused that he didn't care about his surrounding. Subconsciously Hyunsuk softly smiled while looking at Jihoon who looked so handsome. His sharp Jawline, his pouty lips because he was too focused looking plump and cherry red, his button nose looking so cute, his eyes blinking slowly as the bright light shines in them from the phone screen, his fluffy and thick hairs covering his forehead. Hyunsuk's smile grew wide, how can a human be so Handsome? And how didn't he notice Jihoon was Sooo handsome before? He can just wonder now

Soon enough the bus arrived and Jihoon went in pretty quick without looking around, and left Hyunsuk to dragged his luggage and soon the helper came and kept all the luggage there of the passengers in the duck leaving Hyunsuk empty handed. He went in and saw Jihoon sitting by the window. His heart was racing yet again for some reasons.

What should I do? Sit next to him?

Without any other thought Hyunsuk was pushed back by some other passengers and so he decided he will just sit next to Jihoon. But even when he sits there Jihoon didn't look up at who is sitting .... does Jihoon even know Hyunsuk is traveling with him?

He peeked at Jihoon's phone. He was typing on a group named     
"all ur business"

He chuckled and open his own spotify. And play his liked songs on shuffle.

People you know - Selena gomez....

He just kept looking around until that particular line when he looked back at Jihoon and unconsciously stared at him

What hurts the most?

The song or the reality? He doesn't know what hurts the most but all he knows is...he hates to see Jihoon being close with others but him.

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