Makeup, please

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Jihoon after what Looked like almost five minutes realized he was frozen and Hyunsuk was still sobbing but now hiding his face. He sighs and tries to process every single word said. 

They used to play together 

they grew up together 

they made memories together 

they learned new things together 

they did so many things for the 'first time' together 

they had trust 

they had friendship 

they had memory 

and most importantly 

They Had Love... 

Jihoon took a deep breath, a tear escaping its way down his cheeks 
How in the world did he not notice Hyunsuk living so miserably? 
Why was he not with Hyunsuk when all these things happened?
Closing his eyes he felt dizzy because of so many thoughts running through his head. 
"Are you—di-disgusted? by me?" 

Jihoon snapped his head towards Hyunsuk and shook his head vigorously
"No...No No No Hyunsuk I am not. I can never be, Not in you my baby" Jihoon lay down next to the fragile-looking guy and spooned him in his arms, hugging him ever so tightly

"No Suk, You should never think like that." He closed his eyes shut and pressed a kiss on the back of Hyunsuk's head "I am so so so sorry Suk. I am-...was- I am just so sorry. I never meant to" He could hear the other male's hiccups which made him smile. Hyunsuk was still the same, He still had hiccups after bawling his eyes out. Subconsciously Jihoon chuckled, which by mistake offended the other. Hyunsuk turns to look at Jihoon with a frown on his face. 

"You laughed?" Jihoon's eyes grew wide and opened his mouth to speak but the beautiful face, so close to him seemed to be distracting him. He gulps and shook his head. Before Hyunsuk could speak more he got another hiccup and that was like a cue for Jihoon. The taller male got up and jogged out of the tent in a hurry. Leaving the confused male behind, who just now had his figure pointing in the air to no one. "H-how can he leave me?" He mumbled in disbelief taking a mental note then when Jihoon returns Hyunsuk will neither talk to him nor look at him. 

Jihoon Returned with a water bottle in his hand and a bar of chocolate in the other. Well, Yeah the chocolate was complimentary but who was he kidding? It was more to makeup with His...Uhm... What do we call Hyunsuk? His crush or his friend or his best friend? No one is so sure at this point. So he would Just say it was to make up with Hyunsuk. Entering the tent, He was faced with Hyunsuk's back again. Oh, he isn't complaining, Hyunsuk has a nice back...Ok–... Sexy back but never mind. He sat where he was just laying a few minutes back, and smiled before bringing the cold water next to Hyunsuk's cheek and slowly bringing the cold water in contact with Hyunsuk's cheek, Making the latter squeal. Jihoon laughed loud when Hyunsuk sat up and faced him with an angry glare and pout set on his face (Hiccups in between). Between the laughter, he brought Hyunsuk the water bottle which was snatched from his hands as soon as the smaller male got a glimpse of what it was. "Are you done laughing?' Hyunsuk asked in an annoyed tone when Jihoon finally stopped laughing making the latter smile in adoration and pinching his cheeks. 

"You are Cute~~ Uri Sukkie~" Hyunsuk removed Jihoon's hands. 
"I am not cute" 
"Yeah yeah sure" Hyunsuk blushed and looked away trying not to make it obvious. 

It has been a long time since Jihoon said he looked cute Or called him Baby. It was their thing to do but that never happened after Jihoon left him so guess it was just because he missed Jihoon that he blushed. Jihoon on the other hand admired the male sitting in front of him. It seems like no matter how hard he tries to move on, He was still stuck on Hyunsuk and loved the man the same way no matter how far or long the distance gets between them.

He brought his hands to the side of Hyunsuk's cheeks and caressed them softly bringing the latter attention to him. Hyunsuk stared back with innocent doe eyes, shining like diamonds. Jihoon's eyes flicked from Hyunsuk's soft gaze to his button nose to finally his Pulm lips. He remembers them, How can't he? He has kissed those lips before and the experience was out of this world. He loved the firecrackers in his stomach and his thumping heartbeat. He loved the shivers he felt and the soft hands that were tugging his hair. He looked back at Hyunsuk, his face looking of soft berry shade in color. He smiled softly and landed down quickly pressing their lips together, then parting. He chuckled at the smaller male's amazed expression. He leaned again but this time slow and while still keeping his eyes on Hyunsuk. "Sorry Suk"

 He murmured and pressed their lips together again, closing his eyes and feeling the shivers and his electric impulse bounce between the brain, lips, tongue, and skin giving him a tingling feeling. He tilts his head and dives to kiss him more. He licks the smaller male's bottom lips and nibbled it. Hyunsuk's hands made their way to Jihoon's neck as he part his lips accepting Jihoon's offer and letting him deepen the kiss. Their body pressed against each other, as Hyunsuk felt Jihoon's hands on his lower thighs. He gasped when Jihoon pulled him to sit on his lap by his instinct he wrapped his legs around the male's waist. Jihoon runs his tongue over his tongue before sucking on them to taste them. It tastes sweet, the taste of marshmallow they had earlier linger on it. His hands made their way down from Hyunsuk's back to his bottom and squeezed them, making the shorter male moan in his mouth. Lewder thought feeling their brain as shared a few more seconds of open mouth kisses before parting to catch a breath. Hyunsuk threw his head back, His head going hazy as he pants hard, but another yelp escaped his mouth when he felt a wet kiss pressed again his neck slowly moving towards his adman apple and sucking on them.

He moans tugging Jihoon's hair "Hoon~!" Jihoon mouth wanders around his neck, sucking on the skin and giving some occasional bites. He tilt's his head to offer more for the taller male to have. Jihoon smirked and backed away gliding his hand on Hyunsuk's neck, bringing the smaller male to look back at him again. Face red, lips swollen, saliva drippin' drow from the corner of his lips. How much more pretty and sexy this man can get? 

They smiled at each other and pressed their lips together again. A small and soft kiss was shared before Jihoon kept Hyunsuk down from his lap and went near his bag pulling out the wet wipes. Sitting back down he gently wiped the corner of his mouth and gazed up at the blushing Hyunsuk occasionally. 


To be continued~~ 

UwU are we getting closer to the end???

This was one of the most rushed story I have every written and I am so excited to share to bring to you what you want!

I'll start Free Q&A so you can drop the qsts~

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