Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

    Soon it was time for the Mecha Academy to enroll students.

    Those people had to report to the gate of the academy with their certificates, and then under the supervision of various teachers, they would stand out from a group of people and obtain the qualification to enter the Mecha Academy.

    The test results, steps, and even the participating teachers will be disclosed to the whole society, reflecting the principle of being aboveboard. In theory, everyone has this opportunity.

    However, due to the natural potential here, Omega's physical and mental strength is far inferior to that of alphas. Even if they study hard, they may not be able to catch up with those alphas.

    Ye Tan has a deep understanding of this point.

    Because she was like this in her previous life.

    The certificate is easy to get, because there is no limit, almost everyone who applies will get it easily, even as long as you are an alpha, those people will take the initiative to send the certificate to you.

    But as an Omega, there is no such good luck.

    Sometimes, a simple identity, an invisible and intangible thing, actually affects every aspect of your life.

    Ye Tan sighed, got up and said to Des: "I'm going out this afternoon, you stay here well." Before

    he could respond, Ye Tan grabbed his coat and walked outside.

    In order to prevent fish from slipping through the net, the Mech Academy will specially send people to set up a small stall for picking up leaks at the location, and the location of the stall has always been fixed.

    Ye Tan picked up Er Rui on the way, and they walked together to the place where the certificate was issued.

    The stall was very deserted, almost no one was there.

    A tent was simply set up with plastic film to keep out the scorching sun. The simple wooden table was a bit tattered, and two or three chairs were loosely scattered on one side.

    Only one teacher is still sitting here, but he is obviously very sleepy, his eyes are half-opened, and he is drowsy.

    The uniform on his body also looked a bit worn out.

    Ye Tan originally thought that there were only himself and Er Rui who appeared here, but what he didn't expect was that there was another person who came here earlier.

    A look of forbearance appeared on his face, and the veins on his face were full.

    After stopping for a long time, he came forward: "Really, I really want to go in, give me a certificate!" The

    teacher didn't even lift his eyelids, and even put his arms under his head, changing his sleeping position, "No, you're just a beta. What we want here is alpha."

    "But, if you read it right, it's not written in the manual at all." The man threw out a pamphlet.

    The teacher didn't even look at it, but rolled his eyes instead: "Do you know what the convention is?"

    Ye Tan sneered.

    There is no such rule.

    However, more and more betas feel that even if they enter the Mecha Academy, they will gradually fail to keep up with the courses in the end, and Omega doesn't even want to go.

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