Part 3

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"I'm not sung- I-I mean yes?" Jungkook stuttered. "Can I sit here?" Taehyung asked. "O-of course ". Taehyung went to the chair at the opposite of jungkook and there was an uncomfortable silence. Jungkook was thinking what to do.

What should I do now? Shall I start with being rude? Yes, men don't like rude people. You're brilliant jungkook, jungkook thought in his head.

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked trying to sound rude. "I'm kim taehyung" taehyung said, surprised by how jungkook was talking to him. Some part of him liked it, normally people would always be so polite and boring.

"It's so hot in here right, maybe I should just take this off" jungkook said in a flirty tone while trowing his jacket off, he had a no sleeve shirt on so his arms were revealed.

"Aren't you cold?" Taehyung asked, while jungkook was internally shivering. "Cold pftt, I'm never cold I'm hot" jungkook said while winking. Taehyung never met such an interesting person in his life.

"You have goosebumps on your arms". "O-oh that, I always h-have them haha". But taehyung was already working on his i-pad. He was a workaholic, never doing anything other that working even on a date.

Good he isn't listening, my work is done here, jungkook thought. But he didn't know that taehyung had some questions for him. "Where are you going sung-hoonshi?" Taehyung asked, seeing jungkook standing up from his chair. "N-nowhere" jungkook sat again.

"Where do you work?". "Where do I w-work? U-umm... o it's just a small company, almost nobody knows it".
I can't just say "I work for go food, your company and I'm actually not sung-hoon I'm just committing fraud. Jungkook thought.

"What is it called then?". Uhhhh, o I gotta go now, I have to go to work" jungkook stood up and ran away. "Such an interesting boy, I'm going to date him" taehyung said to himself.

Taehyung was waiting for his secretary, jimin to pick him up. "Taehyung-shi how did the date went?". "I want to date him" taehyung said dryly. "Do you want to date him? I thought you that you weren't gay" jimin said surprised. "This boy seems pretty interesting, so I'm gonna date him. By the way, who could say no to such a handsome man like me?" Taehyung said being confident.

Sorry that this is such a boring story, I'll try to make it better I'm not good at writing🥺

𝐌𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐬 (𝐕𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤)Where stories live. Discover now