Part 4

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...By the way, who could say no to such a handsome man like me?

"Taehyung-shi did you ask his phone number yet?" Jimin asked with a smirk, knowing that his boss forgot it. "O shit" taehyung said already running to the exit of the restaurant.

The doors opened and he saw jungkook standing infront of him. But what happened next made him very shocked. Jungkook ran away very fast. "What is with this boy, I only want his phone number aishhh" taehyung cursed while running after jungkook.

"Sung-hoonshi! Why are you running away!?" Taehyung shouted while trying to keep up with jungkook. "Damn gasp this boy is fast".

"O shit, he must have found out that I'm not sung-hoon. Please god help me, I don't wanna go to jail yet I have a whole life before me" jungkook said to himself while running for his life. He was so busy with running, that he didn't notice that he was running across the road and a car came.

He thought that he was gonna die, but before that could happen, taehyung grabbed his wrist. Taehyung grabbed jungkook wrist and pulled jungkook so hard that they fell, jungkook on top of taehyung.

"Finally, I got you" taehyung said. "P-please sir, don't sent me to jail. I-I didn't want to do this my f-friend- "shhh sung-hoonshi, what are you talking about?" Taehyung said putting his index finger over jungkook's mouth. "H-huh, so he doesn't know?" Jungkook mumbled to himself. "What are you talking about sung-hoonshi?". "O-o did I say something? You must have heard it wrong haha. I didn't say anything". "O okay, can you get off me now?" Taehyung asked, pointing at their position. Jungkook immediately stood up, very embarrassed.

"Sorry taehyung-shi it won't happen again" jungkook said, bowing 90 degrees. "It's okay" taehyung said while standing up. "But why did you run away?". "U-uhhh it was because..... uhmmm a dog, yes I saw a dog and I'm very scared of them haha" Jungkook managed to say. "Okay, can I have your number now?" Taehyung asked. "O-of course".

"Here is my phone" Jungkook said while handing taehyung his phone. When taehyung was done he gave the phone back to jungkook. "I have to go to my work now bye". "This boy, I like him even more now" taehyung mumbled while smiling.

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