Part 6

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With jungkook

Jungkook was laying on his bed while regretting his life choices.

"Why does life hate me?"

"Why do I even exist?"

"Why does he have to be my boss?"

"What did I do wrong?"

"Should I just go die?"

His sulkings were muffled by the pillow which he had buried his head in. Suddenly his door flew open, revealing his mom.

"Yahh you lazy brat, why are you laying here when you should help us at the shop!?". Jungkook's eyes widened, because he knew what was going to happen.

"Ouch ouch, I'm *slap* ouch already coming mom" his mother was slapping him with her pink slipper while jungkook was coming out of his bed as fast as he could.

He ran out of the room to help his parents and his mother was standing there with a smirk of victory. "And this is what you call mom power" she said, blowing the non existent smoke of her slipper.

"Owww" jungkook was saying that with every move he made. "Let me guess" jungkook's little brother dae-song said. "Mom showed you her so called 'mom power', am I right" Dae-song was looking at his older brother while trying to hold his laughter.

"If I was you, I would remove that stupid grin of my face right now because else it won't end good for you my little brother" Jungkook said, while steam was almost coming out of his ears because of how mad he was.

"I'm going, I'm going" Dae-song said, walking away fast. "And that is what you call big brother power" jungkook smirked.

"My baby kookie, why do you look so sad" jungkook's father asked his son who was marinating the chicken with a blank face.

"It's nothing dad" jungkook sighed as if nothing was wrong, but in his head there was a lot going on.

Why does mr kim have to be so handsome, I wish that he wasn't my boss so we could just- Jeon jungkook shut the fuck up, why do you think about that huh!? I must have gone crazy, I'm so stupid.

"Hey kookie, you can tell your dad everything. You know that right?" His dad asked him suddenly. "Yes dad, of course". "Then can you please tell me why you are blushing right now?" Jungkook heard Dae-song almost choking on a laugh at the other side of the room.

"It's nothing dad, I just- he is thinking about his crush haha" his little brother interrupted him. "Shut up!" Jungkook shouted. "I'll leave you two alone right now, it looks like your mother and I have a lot to talk about" jungkook's father wiggled his eyebrows and went to mrs jeon.

1 am
*tring* *tring*, jungkook's phone went off. Jungkook lazily grabbed his phone from the nightstand next to his bed and he answered the call while being half asleep, because it was in the middle of the night.


"Hello sung-hoonshi"

"Who are you?"

"I'm taehyung, the man you went on a blind date with. Don't you remember?"

"O I-I remember, why are you calling?"

"Can you meet me at xxx restaurant tomorrow , I wanna have a talk with you"

"O-of course"

"Okay, see you tomorrow at 8 pm sharp. Don't be late, I hate that"

What is this man that he can get up so early. A robot?

But before jungkook could protest, taehyung already ended the call.

It may seemed like jungkook was very calm when he was on the phone with taehyung , but he was standing there in his room and in his  bunny onesie while having a mental break down.

"Okay jungkook, everything is okay. Your blind date who turns out to be your boss just wants to talk to you, nothing to worry about haha. It will all be fine, it's not like he will kill you or something" and with that, jungkook went to sleep.

"You deceived me, how did you dare to go on a blind date with me!?"

"S-sir I didn't mean to, I just-"

"Shut up! I'm your boss, well I was your boss...

You're fired

So did you like this part
Hope you do

Ps: I changed the cover, do you like it?

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