Chapter 19

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Jungkook was freaking out in his room for he didn't even know how long.

"What did I think!?" He shouted to himself.
"Why did I kiss him on his cheek!? What if he hates me now?" He threw himself on his bed, when his phone rang.

He lazily grabbed it from his nightstand and picked up.



Hello jungkookie

O-oh hello sir

Don't call me sir jungkookie, it makes me feel old. Just call me babe


Just joking, come outside now


Because I'm in front of your house now

Jungkook looked outide and saw a blue car and in that car sat taehyung.

I-I'm coming

See you in a few minutes

Taehyung ended the call

"O shit" jungkook looked at himself, he was in his bunny onesie and all of his clothes were in the washing machine. He had no choice but to go outside in his bunny onesie.

When he was ouside he knocked on taehyung's car door. "Hello jungkookie" taehyung said with a smile. "H-hello" jungkook was embarrassed because of his clothes.

"Hop in" taehyung said, pointing at the seat next to him. "O-okay" Jungkook walked to the other side of the car and sat at the seat.

"W-what are we gonna do?" Jungkook asked. "We're going on a date" taehyung said with a boxy smile.

"A date!?" Jungkook was freaking out again, he was literally in his bunny onesie and his crush wanted to take him on a date.

"I have a bunny onesie on". "I don't care, you look cute like this" taehyung said, making the other blush. And then taehyung started the engine and they drove away.


They arrived at a fancy restaurant and walked inside. Jungkook was so embarrassed, all the people were staring at him.

A waitress came, the first button of her blouse was opened and she looked at taehyung seductively, then she looked at jungkook with a disgusted face.

"I'm so sorry sir" she batted her eyelashes. "But there are no animals allowed here".

Jungkook felt even more embarrassed, but taehyung took his small hand in his big hand and said "I'm so sorry, but I don't allow bitches to talk about my boyfriend like that. We're not staying here, bye bitch" he flipped his hair and dragged jungkook away from there.

They in Taehyung's car and jungkook looked down. "Don't look down love, you're too beautiful for that" taehyung complemented the embarrassed boy.

"B-but I have a bunny onesie on and I look so ugly" jungkook said. "Don't you dare to say that ever again, you're the most beautiful, cute and adorable person that I have ever seen love" taehyung said, caressing jungkook's cheeks.

After that taehyung drove to jungkook's house again. He really wanted to have a date with his love, but he didn't want jungkook to be embarrassed by himself, so they just went to the mac drive.

After that they drove to jungkook's house. "T-thank you so much for today" Jungkook said while walking out of the car.

He walked past Taehyung's car door, but looked back when taehyung got out of the car. He took his hand softly and pushed jungkook against the car, not too hard.

He looked deep into jungkook doe eyes which were now widened. "Can I?" He asked, looking at jungkook's lips.

Jungkook nodded shyly. Then taehyung's soft lips touched his, it felt so magical for them both. For jungkook it was his first kiss and he could never imagine that it would be with his own boss.

Taehyung grabbed jungkook's waist and pressed jungkook more against him. It was just a soft and loving kiss, no tongues involved. Just their lips against each other.

But unfortunately after a while they had to pull away because of the lack of oxygen. Taehyung nuzzled his face into jungkook's neck and whispered.

"Jeon jungkook, do you want to be my boyfriend?".
"Y-yes" Jungkook said with blushing cheeks. Taehyung kissed his forehead lovingly and then his cheeks.

"I have always wanted to do this" taehyung said. "D-do what?". "Kissing my love under the stars" taehyung kissed him once again before pulling away.

"I think that you have to go inside kookie, your family seems to be waiting for you" taehyung said, pointing at jungkook's parents and little brother.

Jungkook felt embarrassed again, his family just witnessed his first kiss. "B-bye" jungkook said and walked away.

"Bye, see you tomorrow my love" taehyung smiled at the other and sat inside of his car again. "I'm so happy right now" he said to himself and he drove away.

"My kookie finally got his first kiss!!!!" His mom squealed when jungkook came inside. "You're a big boy now" mr jeon wiped his tears. "I'm finally having a nice hyung now!!!" Sae-song shouted.

But jungkook kicked his ass, literally. "Hey, I'm nice!" He said. "Don't fight here! Or else you know what to do" mrs jeon warned, jungkook and dae-song nodded , not wanting to kiss each other's cheeks and say 'I love you'.

"So I'm finally having a handsome son in lawwww!" Mrs jeon said while hugging jungkook. "We are not gonna marry".

"Yeah right, keep on believing that, than the surprise will be bigger. We are going to sleep now, sweet dream about taehyung" and everybody walked upstairs to their beds.

"I'm so happy now" Jungkook said to himself before falling asleep.

Taekook finally got their first kiss
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