Part 8

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With jimin (taehyung's secretary)

Jimin had a day off, so he went to the grocery store to by some noodles.

"Finally a break , I'm going to watch kdrama and-" jimin couldn't finish his sentence, because something or should I say someone that caught his attention.

It was a tall guy dressed in all black. His long black hair was reaching his shoulders and he literally looked like a god or something.

"Wow what a daddy. Jimin it's time for your acting skills, fighting!" Jimin encouraged himself as he went into the store.

He was walking until he saw the man, he walked up to him and when he was close enough, he pretended twist his ankle while dramatically falling on the ground.

"Owwwww my ankle, I think it's broken" he whined while wiping his fake tears. "What happened, do you need help?" Somebody asked, but it wasn't the man Jimin fell for (literally).

The handsome man just walked to the checkout and went outside.

The other man who tried to help him was being brutally ignored. Jimin almost ran outside behind the handsome man.

"Hey what's wrong with you, I literally twisted my ankle and you didn't even look at me!" Jimin yelled at the man.

"It looks like you're okay now" the man answered very calm. "You I want to-" jimin began, but the man walked away again. "Hey come back here you... you stupid cat!" This man was getting on his nerves.

"At least tell me your name!" Jimin yelled again. The man let out a chuckle and said "The name is min yoongi, see you later midget!".

Jimin pouted because of the pet name. "Cute" yoongi mumbled a little hard. "Hey did you just call me cute!?" Jimin yelled exited. "I think that you're hearing things".

"Why does he have to be this mean, god please have mercy on me he's too hot" jimin whined while walking back to his car, his noodles long forgotten.

With taehyung

Taehyung was sitting on his couch, while watching kdrama. Finally he had a day off.

"You lied to me all this time, I thought that you were su-ho, but you're her best friend!" The man in the kdrama shouted. "B-but wait, I love you!" The woman shouted.

"I don't want to see you agai-" Taehyung turned off the tv and sighed.

"Why is this so similar to my life?" Taehyung asked himself. "Why does everything remind me of that stupid jungkook boy?".

"With his stupid bunny face and his doe eyes  and his beautiful- wait what am I saying!? Stupid bunn- I mean boy, there's definitely something wrong with me. I'm going to take a shower".

After showering
"I feel so relaxed right now" taehyung said to himself, being very calm and relaxed. He closed his eyes for a second and was startled by what he saw.

A boy that was looking like a cute bunny. He slapped his own head "Go away you stupid bunny boy, you make me crazy!" He shouted.

"What happened to you!" Taehyung heard his grandfather ask with his booming voice, while he was looking at his grandson like he was crazy or something.

"N-nothing, I j-just have a headache haha"

"Kookie, come eat dinner!" Jungkook heard his mother shout from downstairs. "I don't want to!" Jungkook shouted back. He was too busy with sulking, it seemed like his bed was his sulk spot or something.

"Yaaah you brat be thankful for the food we have and come downstairs right now if you don't want to meet my slipper again with your face!" His mother suddenly stood in his room. Like how fast was this woman!?

"S-sorry mom, I'm coming already" jungkook was very nervous, he didn't want to feel that pain again. "Good choice" his mother was very proud of herself.

"Awwwww my babybunny come to hyung!" A familiar voice squealed. "Hobi hyung?" Jungkook asked himself.

"My kookie baby, I missed you so much" hobi ran to jungkook and cuddled the shit out of him.  "I-I can't b-breathe" jungkook gasped for air. "Ohh I'm sorry my bunny, here's a carrot for you" hobi handed jungkook a carrot. "Thank you hyungggg" jungkook squealed this time. Nobody except his family and hyung knew about his love for carrots.

"Kookie, I heard from your little brother that you have a crush" hobi said in a teasing tone. "T-that's not true" but jungkook's reddened cheeks said otherwise. "Yeah yeah, says the person who is literally blushing right now". "J-just stop" jungkook ran upstairs with his cheeks still red, forgetting that he would meet his mother's pink slipper very soon.

I have a new book that is coming out today, I hope you'll read it❤️❤️

I have a new book that is coming out today, I hope you'll read it❤️❤️

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