Part 7

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"No, no please don't fire me I- aaaa cold!!! What is this!!????" Jungkook woke up only to feel his pajamas completely soaked.

Phewww it was a dream

He saw his mom standing next to his bed with an empty bucket. "Mom, why did you do that!?" Jungkook shouted at his mom. "You were sweating so much while yelling 'no please don't fire me', so I thought that you could use some water to cool down a bit" his mother laughed.

Jungkook only pouted, when suddenly he remembered something. "O shit how late is it!?". "7:00 am" his mom answered.

"Mom you have to go out of my room now" Jungkook said, pushing his mom out of his room and shutting the door.

"Hey you brat, how dare you to push me out of your room!" His mother shouted while banging the door. After a few minutes the shouts stopped and jungkook let out a sigh of relief.

"What do I have to wear now?" He said, looking inside of his wardrobe. He only saw a few jeans and a few shirts. He looked further into his wardrobe and  saw a white suit that he got from his parents at his birthday.

 He looked further into his wardrobe and  saw a white suit that he got from his parents at his birthday

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(His suit)

"O I forgot, luckily I still have this. Now I only have to brush my teeth do my make-up a little and change into this" he nodded to himself and was on his way to the bathroom, but when he opened the door of his room his mother already stood there with her pink slipper and a smirk. "This time you won't escape from me my lovely son". "P-please mo- aaaa, that hurts!".

It was 8:01 pm and jungkook was almost running into the restaurant where he would meet taehyung. "Pheww he isn't there yet" he said while wiping the sweat of his forehead.

"You are late sung-hoonshi" taehyung who suddenly stood behind taehyung said. "Aaa!" Taehyung scared the shit out of him.

"Well' I'll overlook it this time, but never be late again". "T-thank you mr ki- I mean taehyung-shi".
Taehyung only rose one eyebrow, thinking why 'sunghoon' would call him mr kim.

Jungkook and taehyung where sitting at the table, when jungkook's bag accidentally fell of the table.
"O sorry" jungkook kneeled on the ground to take his stuff and put it back in his bag. "I'll help you" taehyung also kneeled down on the ground.

Time skip (after putting all the stuff  back in
jungkook's bag)

"I want you to date me". "W-what?" Jungkook was stunned by taehyung's words.

"I want you to date me" taehyung repeated. "And by the way, you have no choice...

Jeon Jungkook


Taehyung was helping jungkook picking his stuff from the ground, when he noticed something,
Jungkook's ID.

He accidentally looked at it and saw a name standing there with a photo of jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. He was very shocked to see that and immediately putted it into jungkook's bag.

End flashback

"W-what did you say?" Jungkook stuttered. "I said that you have no choice, Jeon Jungkook" taehyung proudly smirked while leaning back against the chair back.

"H-how do you know that?" Jungkook was very confused and scared that he would get fired.
"When I helped you picking up your stuff from the floor, I saw your ID".

"I'm s-so sorry please don't fire me" jungkook pleaded. "How can I fire you, I'm not your boss" taehyung said a little confused.

So he doesn't know that I work for him

"I-I mean uhmm... sorry. Sunghoon-shi is my best friend and he asked me to go on a blind date for him" Jungkook confessed while looking down from embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter Jungkook" taehyung said and jungkook was very relieved. "Thank you, thank you so much" jungkook said, bowing nineteen degrees.

Of course there had to be a but

"You have to date me". "W-why?" Jungkook asked while his big doe eyes widened. "Because I want it. And Kim Taehyung always gets what he wants".

"It won't be real because we only have to pretend for my grandfather". Jungkook didn't know why, but he felt a little pang in his heart.

"And again you have no choice, because I can make you pay for it ,Literally. You know that what you did is fraud right?" Taehyung let out a satisfied chuckle.

"Okay, I-I'll do it" taehyung was looking very amused by how scared jungkook looked. "Good, see you tomorrow at 8 pm here again and if you don't come, you know what will happen".

"Looking forward to see you" taehyung said while walking away with a proud smirk, while flipping his hair proudly.

"Sung-hoon, I'll kill you!" Jungkook shouted, but he forgot that he was in a restaurant. All the people where staring at him. "Sorry, I'll leave now" he said being embarrassed.

"Never thought that I would date my boss" jungkook sighed.

Please let me know what you think of this part❤️❤️

𝐌𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐬 (𝐕𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤)Where stories live. Discover now