Chapter 13

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Wait what did I just say!?, jungkook thought in his head. I am becoming crazy, why did I-

But jungkook's thought were cut off by taehyung's deep voice. "We are here jungkookie" taehyung said. "Jungkookie?" Jungkook asked himself.

"If you can call me cute I can call you jungkookie" taehyung said. "O o-okay".

Then they got out of the car and jungkook was so surprised, but also very happy. "How did you know that I love the beach?" He asked taehyung. "I know everything baby" that nickname just slipped out of taehyung's mouth.

Taehyung was thinking where he should go on a date with jungkook, he never really went to other places than restaurants and he found them very boring. So he googled it.

Where to take someone on a date, he searched.

The first thing that popped up was the beach, so he decided to go there
End flashback

Jungkook flinched when taehyung wrapped an arm around his waist. "W-what are y-you doing?" Jungkook was the one blushing now.

"You never know if my grandfather comes here, he loves the beach" taehyung lied. He just wanted to hold jungkook's beautiful and slim waist. It fitted perfectly in his arms.

They where walking on the beach looking at the waves that were calmly washing up the beach again and again.

They walked further and came by a corn dog truck. "Wow taehyungieeee a corn dog truck! Can we please go there" jungkook was even happier than before.

Mission complete, who doesn't love corn dogs?and he even called me taehyungie I'm really in love with this bo- wait what am I thinking, kim taehyung shut tf up. You are not here to drool over his cuteness, you are here to get rid of your stupid feelings.

Taehyung called the owner of the corndog truck and payed him to come to the beach, so he could surprise jungkook. Of course he didn't tell jungkook what he did.

"Of course jungkookie" taehyung responded after his long scolding session inside his head. "Lets go then" jungkook dragged him to the corn dog truck.

Taehyung ordered two corndogs and they sat on a bench close to them. Jungkook took a bite of his corn dog and moaned at the taste.

"Taehyungie this is so yummy" he squealed.

Jungkook took another bite and after he swallowed it he felt a thumb rubbing his lower lip. He saw taehyung withdraw his hand and licking his thumb.

"Wow it's indeed very yummy jungkookie" taehyung smirked a little. Jungkook's face turned red from shyness and embarrassment.

"Hey you pervert! Eat your own corndog!" He yelled with his face as red as a tomato. "Just wanted to taste yours" taehyung said being very proud if his action.

But soon he realized something

I said to myself that I would get rid of my feelings, but I don't think that's gonna happen anymore. I have fallen to hard to get rid of them.

"Taehyungie, what are you looking at?" Jungkook asked with his cute doe eyes. "At the most beautiful thing in the world" taehyung said with dreamy eyes.

"W-what?" Jungkook blushed very red. Taehyung realized what he just said. "I-I meant the bench... yes the bench is so beautiful it looks like the quality is very good" taehyung nervously said.

Jungkook didn't know why, but he felt a little sad knowing that taehyung wasn't talking about him.
"O-okay" jungkook looked down.

Damn taehyung, can't you just behave normally!? How can you say that to him!? Taehyung was scolding himself again.

It was already 10 pm, but taehyung and jungkook didn't notice. The two were so busy making sandcastles and playing tag with the waves.

But after a while jungkook was getting tired, so he and taehyung sat on the sand of the beach. "Look taehyungie the stars are so beautiful " jungkook said in a sleepy voice. He was so tired of playing the whole time.

"Yes it's very beautiful" but taehyung didn't look at the stars, he looked at jungkook who already fell asleep on his shoulder

"Such a cute baby" he said while looking at the sleeping boy. His long beautiful eyelashes, his cute button nose and his beautiful rose lips.

Taehyung never felt like this before. He felt his heart beating at a rapid speed and he was looking at the beautiful boy's lips. He was dying to kiss them.

"Just one kiss wouldn't hurt right?" He asked himself, already leaning toward jungkook's lips. But just when their lips almost touched, he leaned back and kissed the boy's cheek instead.

"I want to kiss you so badly, but I need your consent first. I will make you fall in love with me too and that's a promise" taehyung said to the sleeping jungkook while smiling.

Sorry no Taekook kiss yet, but it will be coming soon❤️❤️

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