Part 10

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With tae's grandfather
"Jungkook maybe fooled taehyung, but he can't fool me" he spoke to himself. "How can I not know who my grandson's employees are?".

"I'll let these two act like they are boyfriends for a while, maybe they'll become a real couple" taehyung's grandfather squealed.

Jungkook was standing infront of his best friend's door. "Sunghoon open the door right now!!" He shouted.

After a while sunghoon opened the door while still being in his pajamas. "Hey kookie, why are you here?" He asked. But jungkook stormed inside and took sunghoon with him.

"Do you know how much I'm suffering now because of you!? I have to fake date my boss now because if I don't he will call the police and-". "Wait what?" Sunghoon's eyes went big.

"I have to fake date my boss because of you, stupid shithead!" Jungkook shouted. "Wow that's amazing!" Sunghoon squealed.

"What!?". "It's like in a Kdrama, a poor boy has to date a rich guy and then they end up together!". "I'm not in love and you better apologize to me right now before I lose my control!".

"Okay okay, I'm sorry kookie" sunghoon said. "That's what I wanna hear, now you have to buy me 2 bags of carrots and then I'll accept your apology" Jungkook said.

Jimin was standing behind his car with binoculars for two whole hours now. Do you want to know why?
He was waiting for a certain sleepy cat to come.

"Why isn't this stupid cat here already?" He whined while leaning on his car.

"Are you talking about me midget?" He heard a deep voice suddenly ask. "Aaaaaaa a ghost!" He shouted while slapping the unknown man in the face. The man fell on the ground with his nose bleeding.

"Yoongi? O my god I'm so so sorry, i'm going to call an ambulance no the police o no I have to-" jimin panicked.

"Hey can you be quiet and just give me some tissues?" the irritated voice of yoongi asked. "I don't have tissues here, I only have them at home" jimin said. "Then take me there".

"Did I seriously call him that!? How can I call him love!?" Taehyung was freaking out in his bedroom. "This boy must have put a spell on me".

"I'm going to call the doctor now, yes that's what I'm gonna do" taehyung nodded to himself while grabbing his phone.

After 30 minutes
Taehyung was sitting in his living room with his doctor. "Good afternoon mr kim, can you tell me why you called?" His doctor asked with a friendly smile.

"W-well, everytime I close my eyes I see a boy that I absolutely don't like before me and I think about him the whole time, I just can't get him out of my mind and my heart is beating so loudly when I'm with him. Please tell me doctor, what kind of disease do I have? Am I dying?" Taehyung asked with a worried face.

But the doctor couldn't hold her laugh anymore and broke out into laughter. "Can you please tell me what's so funny?" Taehyung got a little mad, feeling a little embarrassed.

The doctor got a hold of herself and spoke. "Mr kim, you are not dying" she said. "Then what do I have doctor?" Taehyung was desperate to know.

"The 'disease' that you have is called love, mr kim" the doctor said. "W-what? No this can't be true I don't love that stupid bun- I mean boy!" Taehyung defended himself.

"If you don't wanna believe it it is okay mr kim, but know that if you keep denying your feelings will only get bigger" the doctor said and walked away.

"No no no, this can't be! I'm not in love with you stupid bu- boy!" Taehyung shouted at nothing.

"Hello taehyung-shi"  taehyung heard a voice say. "Who are you?" He asked. "I'm your love, don't you remember?" The voice asked.

"J-jungkook?". "Yes I'm your love, I know that you love me and I'm going to tell everyone" jungkook smirked. "No don't do that please" taehyung pleaded. "To late, I already posted it on my social media".

"Nooooooooooooooo!" Taehyung woke up shouting. "W-what happened? Where is bun- jungkook?" Taehyung asked himself.

"Was it a dream?". "Yessss it was a dream it was just a dream" taehyung was so happy and was jumping on his own bed in the middle of the night.

"Wait?" Taehyung stopped jumping. "Why did I dream about that bun- stupid boy?". Suddenly he remembered something.

If you don't wanna believe it it is okay mr kim, but know that if you keep denying your feelings they will only grow bigger

"D-do I really love him?" Taehyung asked himself. "I-I never loved somebody". "I'm going to google it" taehyung googled in in the middle of the night.

How to know if you love someone?
1 you think about them all the time
2 your heart beats very fast when you are around them-

taehyung didn't read further. "I am in love? T-this is the first time for me to feel this and how can I be in love with jungkook?". "I have to stop these feelings now before it get's out of hand".

I usually don't update everyday, but I just felt like it💜💜

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