Chapter 24

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Taehyung woke up by a not so pleasant smell. He almost jumped out of the bed when he realized that it was the smell of his grandfather's bad cooking.

He looked at the angel who was lying in his embrace and pecked his cheek, he carefully got out of the bed trying not to wake jungkook up.

He walked downstairs, trying not to pass out because of the disgusting smell that filled his nostrils. It was his grandfather for sure.

He walked into the kitchen and saw his grandfather trying to make pancakes, but they all burned.

"Grandfather, what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked. "Oh hello taehyung, good morning. I just wanted to say good morning, so I went to your room. But when I walked into your room I saw you hugging with your boyfriend" taehyung's grandfather squealed.

"By the way, you two look so cute together. I decided to not disturb you two and make a yummy breakfast". "Uhm thank you grandfather, but the pancakes are burned" taehyung looked at the pancakes.

"Oh" taehyung's grandfather looked at the burned pancakes on the plate. "It doesn't matter, even burned pancakes are delicious if you have my cooking skills" taehyung's grandfather said proudly.

"Yeah" taehyung didn't want to anger his grandfather by saying that his food tasted disgusting.

"Good to know that you think the same, take a bite" taehyung's grandfather said with a smile, he didn't know that his words almost caused taehyung to have a heart attack.

"O-of course grandfather" taehyung hesitated, but took a bite. He swallowed it with big difficulty, he almost choked because of how bad it tasted.

"Is it good?" His grandfather looked at him with hopeful eyes. Taehyung nodded, trying to force a smile "Yes grandfather, it's the best I ever ate" taehyung lied.

"Good to know, you can share it with jungkook. Bye" his grandfather put on his shoes and his jacket and left.

Taehyung made a disgusted face and immediately rinsed his mouth with water. He walked upstairs to wake jungkook up.

He walked into the room and saw jungkook laying there like an angel. Taehyung stared at him for a while before he started to wake him up with kisses.

"Love kiss you kiss have kiss to kiss wake kiss up" jungkook looked at taehyung with red cheeks.

"D-don't kiss me like that" Jungkook slapped taehyung's chest softly with a pout. "There's my shy baby" taehyung started to attack jungkook with kisses. The only thing that jungkook could do was giggle and blush.

Taehyung hovered over him and began to tickle him. "T-taehyung please hahaha s-stop" jungkook begged while laughing.

"No" taehyung continued tickling jungkook, who had tears in his eyes from the laughing. He slipped his hand under the hoodie jungkook was wearing to tickle him better.

Taehyung stopped when he realized their position. He was sitting on jungkook's tighs, jungkook was still in the shorts taehyung gave him yesterday and the he has his hand under jungkook's hoodie.

Jungkook realized it too and he felt his cheeks heating up. "W-we should eat breakfast" taehyung wanted to get off from jungkook, but taehyung held his arms.

Jungkook didn't know where he got the courage from, but he pecked Taehyung's lips. Taehyung never thought that jungkook would do that.

He looked into jungkook's eyes and then at his lips. "Can... can I kiss you?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook nodded shyly.

Taehyung's lips touched his and it felt so good. Taehyung licked jungkook's lips for entrance, jungkook parted his lips and let taehyung's tongue invade his mouth.

Taehyung slipped his hands under jungkook's hoodie again and massaged his waist. Jungkook let out a small moan, almost not audible, but taehyung heard it and it turned him on very badly.

He had to stop now, because if they would continue he would not stop.

He pulled away, earning a whine from jungkook. "Let's stop here love, we'll continue once you're ready" taehyung got off from jungkook and took jungkook's hand in his as they walked downstairs.

But I'm ready , jungkook thought and pouted.

I'm sorry, I'm not good at writing a kissing scene
Anyways, hope you enjoyed

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