Part 9

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Tring tring, jungkook's alarm went off. "What a great way to wake up" jungkook murmured with his voice laced in sarcasm.

He lazily got out of his bed and wore the same outfit that he wore the other day. He did his makeup and went downstairs, where his family was already waiting for him while grinning.

"Wow kookie, you look dolled up where are you going?" his mom asked while winking at her son. "I know where he's going, he is going to meet his crush" his little brother teased.

"That's not tr-" Jungkook tried, but got cut of by his dad. "Kookie, if he tries to hurt you just come to me okay?" His father's said with a worried face.

"He is not my-" . "And what do you do if he tried to touch you?". "I'll kick his balls, but dad-" jungkook tried again.

"Shh my little baby, go and see your crush but if he tries to hurt you I'll kill him" Jungkook's father said proudly. "Okay" Jungkook already gave up, knowing that his dad wouldn't stop.

He walked outside and walked towards the restaurant, as it was not so far from his house.

It was exactly 8:00 am when he artived at the restaurant. "Yay I'm on time" he cheered. "Good job jungkook-shi" he saw taehyung sitting at a table with a smirk.

"H-hello taehyung-shi" he bowed. "Hello jungkook, please have a seat".  Jungkook sat down at the chair opposite of taehyung.

"Okay, I'll get straight to the point. I want you to meet my grandfather" taehyung said. "W-what? Isn't it to f-fast?" Jungkook stuttered.

"If you knew how exited he was when I told him about you, you wouldn't say that" taehyung palmed his own forehead at the memory of his grandfather's reaction.

Flashback (yesterday)
"Grandfather, I'm dating someone" taehyung said. "Am I dreaming, is my grandson in love!?" His grandfather squealed.

"Yes grandfather bu-" . "yayyy you'll finally start a family and oh I have to arrange your wedding, we have to-" his grandfather got to excited.

"Please calm down grandfather, we are not marrying yet" taehyung sighed. "What!?" His grandfather's booming voice echoed across the room. "Why are you two not marrying!?".

"We want to get to know each other first" taehyung said in a calm tone. "Okay I'll give you two time, but I want to meet him tomorrow" his grandfather said with his arms folded over each other.

"Okay, I have to go now" taehyung said. "Where to?". "I have a meeting". "No you don't, I looked in your calendar" his grandfather began to get a little suspicious.

"Bye" taehyung slammed the door closed and ran away, he knew how crazy this man could get if he knew that his grandson lied to him.

"I think that he's going to meet his boyfriend" his grandfather who was standing alone in the room squealed. "I still have to get used to that word, but it's time for something to change".
End flashback

"So that is what happened and you are going with me now" taehyung walked up to jungkook and wrapped his arm around jungkook's waist.

Jungkook shrieked a little and blushed. "W-why are you holding my waist?" He asked a little shy. "Because people have to think that we are a couple so my grandfather won't find it suspicious" taehyung answered dryly, which caused jungkook to feel a little pang in his heart.

They got seated in the car where taehyung secretary, jimin was already waiting for them.
"Jungkook-shi?" Taehyung suddenly asked, breaking the awkward silence. "Yes?" Jungkook answered. "I'll have to tell you something you need to know. I was born on december 30 1995" taehyung said.

"Why do I have to know that?" Jungkook asked confused. "Because my grandfather maybe asks you". "O okay" jungkook bit on his lip, because he was feeling very awkward. The whole ride was just silence.

"Don't bite your lip jungkook-shi, I don't want them to bleed" taehyung said, removing jungkook's lips from his teeth.

"How fun is this, I'm driving but I'm getting live kdrama here" jimin said dreamingly while munching on his popcorn. "I didn't know that my strict boss could be like this".

"I wish that that cat yoongi would care for me" he wiped his fake tears.

"Taehyung-shi, we arrived" jimin said. He turned of the engine and went to open their car door. But to his surprise, taehyung was already standing there to help jungkook who was blushing a little to get out of the car.

"Wow taehyung-shi, what happened to you?" He asked in a teasing tone. "There is my grandfather, so shut up midget" taehyung whispered.

So he only does it because of his grandfather Jungkook thought sadly.

"Hello my lovely grandson and wow, who do we have here?" His grandfather asked. "Jeo- I mean Kang sunghoon sir" jungkook bowed 90 degrees.

"No need to be formal sunghoon-shi, come with me" taehyung father walked to a small restaurant.

"I'm so curious about how did you two meet?" Taehyung's grandfather immediately asked. They didn't expect that question.

"W-we I- we met each other in New York when I was on a business trip and I immediately knew that I was going to make this beautiful boy mine" taehyung said while kissing jungkook's cheek, who was a caught of guard by it. Jungkook suddenly remembered something.

"Jungkook-shi, we have to pretend to be very in love, so put your acting skills to use" wow that hurted jungkook's feelings a bit. He didn't want to go on that stupid blind date. But now he had to pretend to be very in love with taehyung.
End flashback

"Taehyung-shi you're making me shy" jungkook said while putting his hair behind his ear.

Taehyung gave him a dead glare, which soon had to be replaced by a soft smile because his grandfather was watching them

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Taehyung gave him a dead glare, which soon had to be replaced by a soft smile because his grandfather was watching them.

"I'm the only one that can make you shy love" taehyung gave jungkook another kiss on his cheek.

I'm going to die if he keeps doing that, jungkook thought while his ears were getting red.

"What a lovely couple are you two, I'm looking forward to our next meeting" that caused jungkook to choke on his food.

"Love are you okay?" Taehyung asked fake worried. "Y-yes cough I'm okay". "We will be leaving then grandfather" taehyung took jungkook with him by his waist, leaving his grandfather there.

"These two are really something, my grandson really seems to be in love, I guess that I have to believe them. I still find it weird that jungkook didn't kiss him on the cheek".

In the car with taehyung and jungkook

"D-did I do well" jungkook asked while looking down. "It was okay, but next time you also have to kiss me on the cheek. My grandfather is really strict with that" taehyung said while already taking his tablet to work.

"Do you want to get dropped off at your house?" Taehyung asked. "N-no it's okay, just drop me off at the xxx restaurant" jungkook said. "Okay love" taehyung mumbled the last word.

W-what did h-he just call me?

So this chapter was actually very long compared to the other chapters
I hope it was not to boring💜💜

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