Chapter 12

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Flashback jimin's house (with yoongi and jimin)

"H-here are some tissues" jimin said while looking down because of embarrassment.

How could he slap his crush in the face?

"Thank you" yoongi answered with a straight face, while actually there was a lot going on inside his head.

Yoongi's thoughts
Awww why does this midget have to be so cute? I immediately fell for him the day that I saw him in the grocery store. I didn't want to show it, because I wanted to look cool.

Btw he looks even cuter when he is blushing from embarrassment, or because of me. What a shame that I have to leave in a few minutes, I want to look at his pretty face longer.
End yoongi's thoughts.

"D-do you want to s-stay for dinner?" Jimin asked shyly. "I-I mean, that is the least I can do". "Thank you for the offer, but I have to meet someone very important" yoongi apologized. "Oh o-okay".

"I have to go now, thank you for the tissues" yoongi stood up and gave jimin a kiss on his cheek and walked away.

"W-what did just happen?" Jimin asked himself, while looking like a tomato. "H-he kissed me, yeyyy he kissed me!" Jimin squealed.

But he didn't notice that somebody was still standing at his door step. "What a little cutie, don't worry you will be mine soon" yoongi said to himself , while looking at jimin.

Present time
"Phewww, one workday survived many to go" jungkook wanted to change into his pajamas, but he couldn't even touch them and his phone started to ring.



H-hello it is me, t-taehyung

Oh, h-hello taehyung-shi

I wanted to say that you are going to the xxx restaurant now


I will be there at 8 pm, see you

Taehyung ended the call

"What happened to him? And why was he stuttering?
And more important, why does life have to be so cruel?" Jungkook whined, while walking downstairs.

With taehyung (after the call ended)

"Why did I stutter? Kim taehyung never stutters" taehyung said to himself. "Stupid tongue, you betrayed me". "Why do I suddenly feel so nervous when I talk to him?"

"Oh I have to go now it's 7:40 pm". "Fighting kim taehyung " Taehyung grabbed his car keys and drove the car himself, because jimin wasn't there at the time.
At the restaurant

Jungkook was sitting at a table while waiting for taehyung. It was exactly 8 pm when taehyung came in and walked over to his table.

"H-hello jungkook-shi".

Shit why did I stutter? Calm down taehyung, you will only take him on a date.

It was taehyung's idea to take jungkook on a date, because he thought it would help him to get rid of his feelings. It turned out to be a very silly idea, but you will know that soon.

"Come with me" taehyung softly took jungkook's hand in his and they walked out of the restaurant.

Good job taehyung, you didn't stutter, taehyung thought proudly.

"W-where are you taking me?" Jungkook asked, being a little confused. "You will know that soon jungkook-shi" taehyung's voice sounded exited.

Hey why are you exited huh? There is nothing to be exited for, you will only take him on a date, nothing special.

They sat in the car, but this time taehyung drove the car by himself to jungkook's surprise. "Do you drive by yourself? Where is jimin?" Jungkook asked.

"We don't need that midget to have fun" taehyung mumbled, a little jealous. "What did you say?" Jungkook asked. "I said nothing" taehyung lied with a straight face.

"You are lying" jungkook said to taehyung's surprise. "I never lie". "You are a liar" jungkook folded his arms and pouted. Taehyung almost melted by the cute pout, but still didn't give in.

"No I'm not" he said, a little smile displayed on his face. "You're smiling" jungkook said. "No" taehyung couldn't hold his laughter anymore and bursted out in a cute laughter. Surprisingly he still managed to not crash the car.

Wow he is actually very cute when he is laughing, jungkook thought.

"You're cute" jungkook mumbled while looking down. Did taehyung hear that right? Jungkook thinks he is cute!? He didn't know he could, but he was definitely blushing.

So what do you think, will taehyung get rid of his feelings?

Hope you liked it❤️❤️

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