Chapter 18

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(A/n: double update because I have literally no patience😂😂)

I love you

It took jungkook a few seconds to process what taehyung just said.

He slapped his own cheek, rubbing it after. "Oww I'm definitely not dreaming" he said.
"Don't hurt yourself, this face is too precious" taehyung touched jungkook's cheek.

"What happened jungkookie? Now your other cheek is just as red as the one you slapped" taehyung said with fake innocence.

"S-shut up" jungkook looked down again, not daring to look the other in the eyes.

"Look at me jungkookie" taehyung commanded, jungkook immediately did what taehyung said.

"D-do you love me too?" Taehyung asked, getting a little nervous about what jungkook was gonna answer.

Jungkook stood on his tippy toes and kissed Taehyung's cheek with blushing cheeks. "That's my answer" and he ran away like the teasing boy he is.

Taehyung touched the spot where jungkook kissed him. "I'm never gonna wash that again" he said dreamingly.

"Jimin!" Taehyung called his secretary who immediately came inside his office. "What do you need me for taehyung-shi?" Jimin asked.

"I need to tell you something!" Taehyung said exited. "What happened? Spill the tea" jimin also got exited.

"Well, I confessed to jungkookie!!!" Taehyung shouted in jimin's ear. "Are you really my boss?" Jimin asked.

"By the way, what did he answer?" Jimin wanted to know everything. Taehyung scratched his neck "well, he technically didn't really answer. He kissed me here" taehyung pointed at his cheek with a smile.

"What am I missing here?" They suddenly heard a voice ask. "Seokjin hyung?" Taehyung asked. "What did I tell you?" Seokjin said in a stern voice.

Taehyung sighed "You told me to always call you world wide handsome" taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Now that's a good boy" seokjin said, walking up to his nephew, patting his head. "Seokjin hy- I mean world wide handsome, what are you doing here?" Actually taehyung wasn't really interested, but he didn't know anything to talk about.

"I took someone with me" seokjin said. "Mr min, you can come inside".

Jimin almost got a heart attack when yoongi walked in. His a little long hair was perfectly styled, and he looked so handsome in his black suit.

He stared at jimin intensely and after a while he spoke. "Hello mr kim, nice to see you again. I'd like to have a little talk with you, but can I first borrow your secretary for a few minutes?" He said in his deep voice.

Jimin felt his cheeks getting so red that they almost burned. "Of course mr Min" taehyung answered in a normal voice. Nobody could hear that he was squealing just a few minutes ago. "Jimin, you can have a talk with him. I will see you in a few minutes".

Jimin walked towards yoongi with wobbly legs and they walked out of taehyung's office.

"W-what did you w-want to talk a-about" jimin couldn't help but stutter. "Nothing" yoongi answered and walked away, jimin just stood there until yoongi stopped walking and looked back.

"What are you waiting for midget? Follow me, we're going on a date" yoongi said with a gummy smile. "B-but I can't leave tae- he shrieked when yoongi walked to him and grabbed his hand, dragging him with him.

"Shh just come with me, I'll make sure you will have the best date ever" yoongi took him with him to a ice cream parlour.

Meanwhile with taehyung and seokjin

"Where is jimin? He's already talking with yoongi for 15 minutes" taehyung got a little impatient. "He won't come back today taehyungie" seokjin answered with a smirk.

"What do you mean world wide handsome?" Taehyung asked with a confused face. "They are on a dateeee!" Seokjin squealed.

"Date?". Seokjin sighed and slapped his own forehead. "Mr Min has a crush on jimin!" He shouted in taehyung's ear.

"Oww do you want to make me deaf or something!?" Taehyung shouted. "Did you just yell at me!?" Seokjin almost exploded.

"I-I" taehyung didn't even finish and ran away, trying to open the door. But of course the door had to be closed.

Shit I forgot that I had a remote for locking the door

He looked back in horror, seeing seokjin already smirking at him. "You're dead now" seokjin ran towards him and began to tickle taehyung till the point where the poor boy couldn't breathe anymore.

"How do you talk to me kim taehyung!?" He shouted while tickling his poor nephew. "W-with haha r-respect" taehyung managed to say in between his laughs.

"I raised you so well" seokjin was proud of himself.

Meanwhile with yoongi and jimin

Yoongi and Jimin were eating their ice cream at the ice cream parlour, jimin had mango flavour and yoongi had chocolate flavor.

"Hm it's so yummy jimin" yoongi said. "Y-you called me by my name" jimin couldn't believe it. "Yes, is something wrong with it? Or do you want me to call you something else? Like baby" yoongi smirked.

"N-no that's not what I meant" jimin immediately said. "Can I taste some of your ice cream?" Yoongi asked.

He looked at jimin's lips and noticed some ice cream. "Y-yes" jimin was about to give yoongi some of his ice cream when he felt something soft on his lips.

It took him a few seconds to realize that it were yoongi's lips. Yoongi backed away and smirked. "Hmm that was even more yummy" yoongi licked his lips.

Jimin looked at yoongi with his mouth wide open. He felt his jaw being lifted up. "Don't worry

you will get used to it soon

From now on more yoonmin moments❤️‍🔥
Hope that you enjoy reading💝💝

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