Chapter 20

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The next morning jungkook woke up very happy, until he realized that he had to work. 

"O no, how am I gonna face him?" He blushed at the memories of last night. "Well, he's my boyfriend now" the word boyfriend felt a little weird for jungkook, taehyung was his first boyfriend and his boss.

Jungkook opened the front door and was ready to walk to his work when he saw Taehyung's blue car standing there.

"W-what why is he here?" Jungkook asked to himself. Before he new it, taehyung walked out of the car and took his hand.

He smiled and said "good morning love". "G-good morning" jungkook said shyly. "My love, no need to be shy I'm your boyfriend now" taehyung said with a little smirk.

"Now where is my morning kiss?" Taehyung suddenly pouted. "M-morning kiss?". "Yes, give me now" taehyung whined.

Jungkook didn't dare to do that so taehyung leaned in and connected their lips, after a few seconds he pulled away, looking at the tomato infront of him.

"Awww you're so cute right now, but I bet that you would look even cuter with your bunny onesie" he teased.

"H-hey stop it" jungkook slapped taehyung's chest softly, taehyung thought it was fun to play around a bit.

"Owww kookie that hurts" he whined grabbing his chest with his hands. "O no are you okay? Should I call the doctor or- just joking love" taehyung laughed and squeezed jungkook's cheeks.

"You fooled me" jungkook pouted. Taehyung smiled fondly at the younger and kissed his pout away. "Come we have to go to work" taehyung said.

He took jungkook's hand and they sat in the car, taehyung started the engine and the drove away.

When they arrived at work, jungkook felt nervous. Nobody could know about their relationship, how can an employee date his boss.

"Don't worry kookie" taehyung whispered in his ear and he grabbed his waist. They walked inside and jungkook looked down.

"Put your head up love, everybody should know who is my beautiful boyfriend" taehyung pecked jungkook's nose, jungkook blushed and looked up.

Everybody was looking at them and taehyung thought that he should make something clear.

"Good morning everyone, this is my boyfriend jungkook and I'd appreciate it if everybody is nice to him and doesn't stare, it makes him uncomfortable" taehyung said with authority.

Everybody stopped staring and went on with what they were doing. "Come with me" taehyung took jungkook's hand and they headed towards Taehyung's office.

"W-why did you do that?" Jungkook asked. "Do what?". "T-tell them about us". "My love, everybody should know that you're already mine, I can't have you be courted by other men" taehyung said possessively.

Jungkook blushed "you're so possessive" jungkook smiled a little. "But you like it, don't you love?" Taehyung smirked at jungkook's blushing face.

Jungkook hid his face in Taehyung's muscular chest. "Awwww my shy baby" taehyung walked towards his chair and patted his lap.

"Come here love" he said. Jungkook walked towards him with buckling knees, but didn't sit on taehyung's lap.

So taehyung just grabbed his waist and put the boy on his lap. "That's much better love" taehyung smiled and pecked jungkook's nose.

Jimin was walking to his work when a car passed by. The car stopped and he saw yoongi getting out of the car.

"Hello shorty, long time no see" yoongi smirked. "W-we saw each other a few days ago" jimin said, blushing at the new nickname.

"Get in" yoongi said, opening the door for jimin. "W-what?". Yoongi walked towards him and grabbed his wrist, dragging the boy to the car.

"What are you doing?" Jimin didn't stutter anymore. "Taking you to your work, I have to go there too" yoongi let jimin sit in the car and drove away.

When they arrived yoongi got out of the car first to open the car door for jimin. "Thank you" jimin smiled a little, but got shocked when yoongi said something.

"Where is my thank you kiss" yoongi asked. "T-thank you kiss?" Jimin got flustered. "Yes here" yoongi pointed at his lips.

Jimin hesitated a bit, but why wouldn't he kiss yoongi? He was his crush after all.

Jimin walked towards yoongi and kissed him on his lips, leaving yoongi a bit shocked. He never thought that jimin would really do it.

"See you" jimin said and jogged away. "What a cute boy" yoongi smiled and touched his lips.

Hope you liked it❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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