Chapter 25

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After 10 minutes of walking seokjin arrived at the park where he and namjoon would meet.

He was still a little nervous, but he kept walking with a smile on his face.

He sat down on a bench and waited for namjoon to come.

He sat there for two minutes when he heard a familiar voice calling him.

"Hey cutie" it was namjoon. He was looking so good and his dimple smile made him even sexier.

Seokjin blushed "H-hello namjoon" seokjin stuttered a bit. "Are you waiting here for long?" Namjoon asked.

"N-no just 2 minutes". "Okay, let's go" namjoon grabbed seojin's hand and dragged him towards a random ice cream parlor. 

"Choose what you want" namjoon said with a smile. Seokjin chose vanilla ice cream and namjoon chose coconut ice cream.

"Hmmm this is yummy" seokjin smiled while eating the ice cream. "Oh can I taste your's?" Namjoon asked.

"Okay" seokjin shove his little bowl of ice cream towards namjoon. Namjoon took a bite "Hmm yummy indeed" he said.

Indirect kiss, namjoon thought with a little smirk.

Seokjin noticed namjoon's little smirk and got shy.
"W-what's funny?" He asked.

Namjoon noticed that he was smirking for too long "U-uhm nothing haha" he awkwardly said.

After work yoongi picked up jimin. Jimin didn't know it yet, but yoongi was waiting for him outside.

After a while jimin walked out of the big building and yoongi walked towards him.

"Hey shorty" yoongi smirked, knowing that jimin would get mad.

"I'm not short" jimin said with an angry face. "You look cute when you're angry" yoongi poked jimin's cheeks, who went bright red.

"H-hey don't touch me!" Jimin wanted to walk away, but yoongi grabbed his wrist.

"Let me go you- shorty don't be so mad at me, it makes me sad" yoongi fake pouted.

"Good to know, now let me go" jimin said. "Let you go?" Yoongi asked. "I know you don't want me to" yoongi was smirking again, seeing jimin standing there with a flustered expression.

"Now come with me, we're going on a date" yoongi said excited.

"Tae, I already stayed here last night" jungkook tried to get out of taehyung's strong grip.

"But I want my baby to sleep here again" taehyung kept whining and pouting.

Jungkook couldn't resist his boyfriend's cuteness, so he gave in.
"Okay, but this is really the last time" jungkook sighed, but actually he wanted to stay.

Taehyung smiled and kissed jungkook's cheek. "Thank you baby, I'm going to make ramen now" taehyung skipled towards the kitchen.

After dinner jungkook asked taehyung to watch kdrama, but taehyung said no.

"We uhm can't watch kdrama right now because... I have to uhm make the bed" jungkook found it a bit weird, but he just shrugged it and started to watch kdrama alone.

After 30 minutes taehyung finally came downstairs. "Tae, why did it take so long? I wanna cuddle with you" Jungkook whined and made grabby hands.

"Okay baby, I'm coming already" taehyung hopped on the couch and cuddled jungkook while watching kdrama further.

After a while taehyung spoke "Shall we head to bed?" He asked. "Hm okay" jungkook wanted to get off the couch, but taehyung stopped him.

"Oh wait, I forgot to do something. Can you come upstairs when I call you?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook nodded and taehyung walked upstairs.

After a few minutes he called jungkook. Jungkook walked into Taehyung's room, but he was a little surprised to see the room decorated with candles and roses, the light were off.

His heart began to beat on rapid speed.

Is this what I think this is?

Hope you enjoyed

𝐌𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐬 (𝐕𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤)Where stories live. Discover now