Part 5

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"And my grandson how did your date went?" Taehyung's grandfather asked hopefully. "Well, his date ran away" jimin said . Taehyung feared for his own life while glaring at jimin.

"N-no my lovely grandfather that's not ho- come here you idiot so I can beat the shit out of you!" His grandfather shouted while taking his walking stick and running towards his grandson.

"No grandfather I didn't do anyth- come here now!" taehyung was running away from his grandfather while jimin tried to stop his grandfather.

"Sir, please don't do this" jimin pleaded. "No let me kill this bastard of a grandson!". "Sir please at least let him explain" jimins said and finally taehyung's grandfather stopped trying to chase taehyung.

"Grandfather, Uhmm I am going to date this boy" taehyung said while still keeping distance, stillnot trusting his aggressive grandfather. That man may looked very slow and old, but taehyung knew better.

"How are you going to date him if he ran away idiot!?". "He ran away because he saw a dog and after that I got his number" taehyung tried to explain as good as possible. "The youth of today, at first they run away and then they are dating". "So is everything good now?" taehyung asked. "Yes, you two can go".

"Phewww that was close" taehyung sighed while jimin gave him a tissue to wipe the sweat off his forehead. "Taehyung-shi, there's still one little problem". Taehyung looked at his secretary with a questioning look. "How are you going to convince sung-hoonshi to date you?" Jimin asked.

"Don't underestimate the power of handsomeness shorty, but I won't blame you, you don't know how it feels to be handsome and tall" taehyung smirked, but his smirk soon turned into a painful expression when he felt someone pinching his ear very hard, he already knew who it was.

"Owww jin hyung, let me go". "How dare you to call yourself handsome when world wide handsome already exist tae" jin said while finally letting go of his nephew's ear. "I'm sorry jin hyung, I forgot that namjoon hyung also exists" taehyung said while already running away. "Hey come here you brat, I'm world wide handsome, not that shithead!" Jin said while running after his nephew.

"These two will never change" jimin sighed while looking at the two cousins.

Hope you liked it❤️❤️❤️

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