Chapter 17

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With Taehyung's grandfather

"I think that taehyung should know who jungkook really is, I think it's better if I tell him instead of somebody else" taehyung's grandfather was thinking hard about what he should do.

He couldn't let the two be in a relationship while they had secrets for each other. He decided to call taehyung.

Taehyung's grandfather

"Hello Taehyung"

Hello grandfather, why did you call?

"I want you to come to my office now"

Why grandfather? What happened?

But then his grandfather ended the call.

Taehyung took his car keys and drove towards the company.

When taehyung arrived he was immediately greeted by the employees. He didn't have time to greet them back because he was rushing towards his grandfather's office. He thought that maybe something happened with his grandfather.

He opened the door of his grandfather's office and ran inside with a worried face.

"Grandfather what happened?" He asked, slightly panting because he had ran.

"I want to tell you something"taehyung's grandfather said.

"Did you know that jungkook works here?".

Taehyung looked at his grandfather wirh a shocked face. "What? No no no, he doesn't work here" he said.

"Taehyung listen to me, it's true".

Taehyung's face went from a worried face, to an angry face.

"So you dare to deceive me!? I'll make you pay for that jeon fucking jungkook!" Taehyung shouted, he wasn't mad at jungkook because he was his employee, but he was mad because the younger didn't tell him.

"Hey don't curse in this household!" His grandfather smacked the back of his head.

"This isn't even a h-" taehyung immediately stopped talking when his grandfather grabbed his walking stick.

"That's what I thought, good choice" his grandfather smirked. "Now what are you gonna do?" He asked.

"Make him regret it" taehyung smirked at his evil plan. "This boy, why is he my grandson?" His grandfather slapped his own forehead.

"I heard that" taehyung was already running away, thinking about his evil plan further.

It was again a workday for jungkook and luckily he was on time.

He greeted his co-workers and sat behind his computer, but then the door opened revealing taehyung.

Jungkook immediately covered his face with his bangs. Taehyung pointed at jungkook "you there, you're going to make my lunch now" taehyung said.

"W-what but sir, I have t- I don't wanna hear it, make me lunch and bring it to my office" with that taehyung turned on his heels and left jungkook with a flustered face.

"I hate my life" he whined, walking to the kitchen to make food for his irritating boss after.

When he was done, he was very satisfied with what he made. "He'll like this for sure" with that he walked towards Taehyung's office.

 "He'll like this for sure" with that he walked towards Taehyung's office

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He knocked and he heard a voice say "come in".
He walked inside and placed the food on taehyung's desk.

"Again" was the only thing that taehyung said, he didn't even look at the food that jungkook made for him.

"But sir, you didn't even look at i- I said again" taehyung looked up and jungkook immediately hidded his face with his bangs again and walked away with the food.

"Why does he behave to different when he's my boss?" Jungkook mumbled while pouting.

He made another dish.

"Sir here's your f- again" taehyung didn't even bother to look at the food

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"Sir here's your f- again" taehyung didn't even bother to look at the food.

Jungkook made something else again. Wiping the sweat from his face, he walked towards taehyung's office again.

"Agai- sir, I'm making food for you the whole day now, can you please tell me why I have to do it again and again!?" Jungkook raised his voice.

Taehyung raised his eyebrow looking away from his tablet and meeting eyes with the now nervous employee.

"Did you just shout at me?" He asked in a terrifying calm voice. "I-I'm sorry s-sir" jungkook looked down.

He heard taehyung getting up from his chair and walking towards him. He felt a finger under his chin which made him look up.

His doe eyes met with Taehyung's eyes, but this time he didn't have a stern look on his face.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Taehyung asked in a soft voice.

"T-tell what?" Jungkook asked nervously.

"That I'm your boss jungkook" that shocked jungkook.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean t- but he was cut off by taehyung.

"I'll forgive you now jungkookie, because...

I love you

Finally taehyung confessed
Do you think that jungkook will accept him?

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