Chapter 22

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Seokjin was sitting on his bed very nervous. He had never been so nervous to call a guy before. Taehyung just send him namjoon's phone number, but he was still hesitating.

"Come on seokjin, you can do this"
He said to himself and called namjoon.

After a few seconds namjoon picked up. "Hello, who is this?" He asked. There was a little silence until namjoon spoke again "is this a prank or something?".

Seokjin didn't want his crush to end the call, so he gathered all of his courage. "H-hello" he stuttered. "Oh hey cutie, why did you call?" Namjoon asked, seokjin blushed at the nickname.

Yes, why did he call? He couldn't just tell namjoon that he had a crush on him.

"I-I... I w-wanted to know i-if you want to g-go on a date w-with me" he said.

O shit, why did I say that, he thought. He was panicking until he heard namjoon chuckle a bit.

"Why so nervous cutie? Of course I want to go on a date with you, I wanted to ask you tomorrow" namjoon chuckled.

"R-really?" Seokjin's eyes went wide. "Of course, who wouldn't want to go on a date with such a cutie?" Namjoon said.

"W-where will we meet?" Seokjin asked. "At the xxx park, see you tomorrow bab- I mean cutie" namjoon ended the call.

Seokjin was sitting on his bed in total silence, he didn't know what just happened. Suddenly it clicked.

"I-I'm having a date?" Seokjin asked himself. "I'm having a date, yessss I'm having a dateeeee!" He shouted and jumped on his bed.

He ran towards his window, he opened it and yelled "everybody I'm having a date!" He was so happy. "Hey, be quiet will you!?" His neighbor shouted. "Sorry" seokjin smiled, he could sleep peacefully now.

Taehyung said that he would take a day of today so he could be with jungkook. They went to taehyung's house after taehyung picked jungkook up.

"Wow, it's so big" Jungkook said when they stepped inside. "I can show you something that's also big" taehyung mumbled.

"Did you say something?" Jungkook asked in confusion. "N-no" taehyung felt a little embarrassed, how could he say something like that to such an innocent bean.

They were watching kdrama on taehyung's king sized bed. Jungkook was sitting in between taehyung's legs and taehyung held his waist.

After a few episodes a mature seen came. Taehyung covered jungkook's eyes. Jungkook pouted "hey, I am an adult, I can watch this" jungkook folded his arms.

"No you're not, you're my adorable baby" taehyung said with a chuckle. Suddenly jungkook turned around so he faced taehyung and began to give taehyung kisses on his neck.

"L-love what are y- ahh" taehyung couldn't help but moan a little as jungkook began sucking on his neck, leaving purple hickeys.

Jungkook pulled away and giggled innocently "now you know how grown up I am" Jungkook got off taehyung's lap and sat next to him.

"Shit" taehyung mumbled, looking at his obvious boner. They hadn't been in a relationship that long, so taehyung decided to take things slow.

It would just be kissing and cuddling,

For now

𝐌𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐬 (𝐕𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤)Where stories live. Discover now