Chapter 15

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This time jungkook walked to the door and opened it first before he signaled taehyung that it was safe. They went down stairs on their tippy toes, they thought it was safe but suddenly jungkook's father walked out of the kitchen.

Taehyung and jungkook ran to the front door where taehyung put on his shoes as fast as possible. "I'm sorry that you have to leave like this" jungkook whispered.

"It's okay bunny, see y- what is he doing here!?" Mr jeon's voice left both taehyung and jungkook startled.

"U-uhm dad I can ex- taehyung come with me" was the only thing that mr jeon said. "Jungkook go to your room, I'll talk to you later, me and taehyung are going to have 'the talk'" jungkook went to his room like his father said. He was afraid of what was gonna happen next.

Mr jeon went towards the living room and taehyung followed. They sat on the couch and mr jeon asked "who is jungkook to you?" In a stern voice.

"H-he is... I love him sir" taehyung said with his head hanging low from embarrassment. "Do you really love him?" Mr jeon asked, trying not to squeal. He was an overprotective dad, but he already knew that taehyung was a good man for his son.


Mr jeon was walking towards the toilet when he heard someone talk. "I wish we could sleep like this everyday" he heard a deep male voice say.

He saw mrs jeon standing behind jungkook's door while looking at the cute couple. Mr jeon stood behind her and looked at them too. Taehyung held jungkook's waist while jungkook snuggled into taehyung's arms.

"They are so cute" mr jeon whisper fangirled. "Yes they are" mrs jeon agreed. They decided to give them a little privacy and went towards their room.
End flashback

"Okay then I need you to answer these questions" mr jeon tried to sound as stern as possible. "Can you handle all jungkook's cuteness?" Mr jeon asked. "O-ofcourse" it was kind of a lie, whenever jungkook blushed or pouted he almost melted.

"What is better, cats or dogs" that question made taehyung a little confused. "Uhmmm both" taehyung said. "Welcome to the family son" mr jeon hugged taehyung.

"W-what?" Taehyung asked. "I said welcome to the family" mr jeon hugged him tighter. "T-thank you?" It sounded more like a question. "I have to go to tell my wife the good news, you can go to jungkook now" mr jeon broke the hug and gave taehyung a pat on the back.

Taehyung walked upstairs to jungkook who was sitting on his bed. "What did you two talk about?" Jungkook asked. "O-oh nothing" taehyung got a little nervous. He couldn't tell jungkook that he loved him

Not yet

A little short chapter, I'll try to make the next one longer

𝐌𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐬 (𝐕𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤)Where stories live. Discover now