Chapter 11

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Jungkook didn't sleep foor the whole night. Do you know why?

He had to go to work today. "Oh no I have to disguise myself" jungkook said while looking inside his wardrobe. But luck wasn't on his side today, because there was nothing that he could disguise himself with.

"I'm gonna die if he gets to know that he's my boss" jungkook whined. "What is with your boss?" He heard the voice of his mother ask.

"M-my boss? N-nothing, there is nothing with him" jungkook stuttered. "Okay then, come eat" his mother said.

"I'm not hungry mom" jungkook knew that he had to be at his work exactly 7:30 am, because his boss would come 7:35 am. "I said, come eat" his mother's face darkened. "J-just joking mom, I'm so hungry" jungkook ran downstairs.

"Wow mom, this food was so yummy but I have to go now. By dad, mom and dae-song" jungkook ran away and rode his bicycle to work.

It was exactly 7:30 am when jungkook arrived. He wanted to go to his department, but got the shock of his life when he saw his boss walking with a stern face.

Why does he have to be so early today?

He tried to run away, but a deep voice stopped him. "Hey you there, you know that you are not allowed to run here!" It was his boss, who walked up to him.

Jungkook quickly hid his face a little with his bangs. "Why aren't you responding? I hate it when someone ignores me" taehyung said, getting very irritated by his behavior.

"S-sorry sir, I-I didn't hear you" jungkook said, while turning away from his scary boss. "Look at me when you are talking" taehyung turned him around by his waist. Jungkook felt the shivers running down his spine because of fear, or was it something else?

"S-sorry sir, but I have to go now" jungkook got out of his boss's grip and ran away. "How disrespectful" taehyung said to jimin while pointing at his running employee.

"Yes" jimin smirked.

How can my boss with his so called 'perfect eyes' not notice that he is sunghoon-shi, jimin tought in his head.
Wait, what is sunghoon-shi doing here?, jimin got very confused, but didn't tell his boss.

"Taehyung-shi, you have a meeting, you are getting late" jimin said to his boss who still seemed to think about that boy.

Why did his voice sound so familiar?

"Jimin, didn't you notice how weird his behavior was?" Taehyung asked his secretary. He had been thinking about the boy for the whole day.

"You mean that employee that ran away when you talked to him?" Jimin asked. "Hm" taehyung hummed.

"Yes, his behavior was very weird" jimin agreed, while inside he was still a little confused what his boss's fake boyfriend was doing here.

At the end of the day

"Bye seoyeon-shi, haeun-shi and hyunwoo-shi, see you tomorrow" jungkook said, while bowing to his co-workers. "Bye, jungkook-shi" his co-workers said and jungkook walked away.

More like sneaked away, because he didn't want his boss to see him. But he shrieked a little when he heard a voice call him.

"Hey jungkookie, I missed you!" He saw yoongi waving at him with a smile. But he got startled when he saw his boss looking at him with a dead glare, while walking next to yoongi.

They walked up to him and he said "H-hello yoongi hyung, I missed you too" he tried to hide his face with his bangs again.

"W-what are you doing here yoongi hyung?" He asked, trying to ignore his boss's stare.

"I'm going to collaborate with go food, isn't it nice? Now we will see each other more" yoongi said exited. "O-oh that is nice" Jungkook didn't look up, he could still feel his boss's eyes burning holes trough him.

"I-I have to g-go now, bye yoongi hyung" jungkook ran away again.

"Did you just call him jungkookie?" Taehyung asked, it was getting very suspicious to him. "Yes, what is wrong with that mr kim?" Yoongi asked politely.

"Oh it's nothing mr min, see you next time" and with that, taehyung walked away to the car where jimin was already waiting for him.

"Jimin, we are going to collaborate with the CEO of min-corporation" taehyung said, while grabbing his tablet.

Jimin swore that he felt his heart almost jumping out of his chest. "Is his name m-min y-yoongi?" Jimin stuttered a little.

"Yes, do you know him?" Taehyung asked, raising his eyebrow. "Y-yes I met him at the grocery store" jimin couldn't hide the excitement in his voice.

You will be my boyfriend soon min yoongi

Hope you liked it❤️❤️

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