4: Back to school shopping

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I think the spelling of hogwarts is wrong in some places. It's Hogwarts not Hogwards.

Correct me in the comments stels. I'm counting on you. >_<


After our stay at the leaky cauldron.

We went back to school shopping the next day and all of us were very excited.

This is the first time I'll be shopping for MAGICAL school supplies!!! Yay.

As I had all of Harry's money. I could spend a lot without the fear of saving.

A luxury I didn't have before.

You see, I was an orphan before I was 2. I was never told much about my parents death by my grandparents (who obviously adopted me, incase you couldn't put the pieces together) they became very emotional whenever I mention my parents. I was curious when I was little but now I understand how deeply it affected them.

Money was always an issue because my parents never left a huge fortune like in the fairytales we read.

My grandparents were retired army officials. Though they were strong, they were still old.

They died 6 months ago.

I never really got over it. I just hid behind Fandoms and fanfictions.

Ok. Enough of my sob-story. Let's get back to the real story here.

I bought an extra broom. Just incase, you know, I crash into the womping willow again.

'Wait. I crash into the womping willow!?' Harry screams, sorry. SHRIEKS (like a little girl)

I visibly cringe.

'Yes, you did. No. This time you won't.'

'Thank you, thank you, thank you'

Then we get all the other supplies that we will need.

And extra potions supplies.

Severus was always my favorite character. I really want to impress him.

" You seem a little different Harry" Hermione says. And Ron nods his head.

"People change 'Mione. Im still your friend. But I guess we all evolved."

"Blimey Harry, that was deep" Ron says.

We walk into Flourish and Blotts.(I really wanted a few self help books to learn ocllumency)
And guess who we saw there ??


Padfoot hid behind my leg. I think he was nervous and judging from his panting, excited about seeing his old friend.

But just then paddy barked. When we looked behind we saw a pink pom-pom shaped thing on his black fur.

"I'm sorry about that"  Luna Lovegood says.

"It's ok Luna" I say without realizing that I shouldn't be knowing her name.

"You are a peculiar one. Harry Potter" she says in her dreamy voice.

With that she leaves.

Ron and Hermione give me curious looks which I dismiss.

And we look in front to see Remus looking like a deer caught in headlights and padfoot staring right at Remus.

Remus walks towards us. Paddy was about to bark but I cut him off before he even began

'Behave padfoot'

Remus stops dead in his tracks.(does this sentence make sense?)

"Hello, you must be Harry Potter" Remus says with a kind voice.

"Yes, and you look familiar. Why do I have a feeling that I've seen you somewhere? What's your name sir?" I say. As dramatically and realistically as I can.

" You remember me Harry!? How ? You were just 1 year old when I saw you"

"Moony!?" I say.

"How?" Remus asks

" you were part of the last few memories I have of my parents. The only 2 I have. You and a black dog, quite like this one," I say pointing to padfoot. "Playing with me and the other of my father screaming 'rat got us killed' and handing me over to my mom."

"Rat!?" Remus asks.

"Yeah" I say in an uncertain voice.

A moment later his face went pale and he looked tensed. It was like he was putting the pieces together and finally had a real picture.

Another step checked ! Getting Remus to realize the truth.

And then he kneeled down and hugged padfoot.

Padfoot hugged back as much as a dog can 'hug back'.

We went back to our room with Remus in tow and locked the doors (I added extra privicy spells).

Sirius was in his human form explaining his side of the story to Remus.

'Can you explain what's happening?' Harry asks timidly in my head.

'Oh sorry, the boy who's body I possessed. This is your other long lost uncle.

Your dad had 3 friends. The 4 of them were called the marauders. They were, putting it lightly, the jerks and bullies of the school.

The closest to your dad was Sirius. He was like thier family. That's why he's your *dogfather* Godfather. He was the black sheep of his family.
Or in his case, the white sheep of the black family. He couldn't adopt you cause he was in jail.

The second one was Remus. The one standing in front of you. He's a werewolf. But your dad didn't mind. They were good friends. Remus fell into depression after he lost his friends. His pack. And after a few years he was too ashamed to show his face. That's why you never knew about him.

The last one was a pity friend. Peter Pettigrew. The rat. He was the shy dumb boy. I don't know why they ever included him. He ended up getting jealous of everyone's skill and capabilities and betrayed all of them to Voldy.

Oh. Fun fact. Pettigrew is alive. You see scabbers there? I point to the case where the stupefied( yes I did that as soon as we entered because I knew that rat will freak after seeing both of his 'friends' in the same room.)

That's Pettigrew. '


'This is soo much to digest. Give me a minute' Harry says gravly

' yeah. Take your time. I figure it must be hard for you to hear this' I say back in as much of a sympathetic voice as I can get mentally.

" Harry ?" I heard Remus and Sirius ask.


"We must find Pettigrew Harry. Then i can finally be free and take care of you. "

Ah. Pettigrew. I have him under a Fidelius charm with Harry (brain harry) as a secret keeper. Even I don't know how that worked but it did.

And oh yeah, voldy's hocrux in Me.

I found out herbs that can block his view in my mind and create a separate section in my brain for him and i did that as soon as I could. So now, Harry hocrux is sedated,unconscious, you can say. For as long as I wish. (Evil laughter)

Okay. We are getting sidetracked again.

"... have decided that Sirius will accompany me as my pet dog with dyed blonde hair so that no-one is recognized him"

Will that work? I mean. Severus and Minerva will know right? And obviously the Almighty Dumbledore?

But let's see. Hope for the best. Fingers crossed.

Off to hogwarts we go..

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