28: Family History

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I was discharged after a few days and a lot of tests.

I went home to my grandparents and the house was exactly as i remembered it.

The smell of freshly baked pie, the light green walls, and my 11 year old self's room!

Wow. I never thought I'll see it like this again.

We shifted when I was 13.

I was in a coma for a year!? Oh. Okay.

''Ruby, Honey, come down for dinner dear!'' My grandfather called me.

''In a minute pops.'' I yell back.

Like I said. In a minute or 2 I went down for dinner.

I 'accidently' accio'd the salt shaker and then 'freaked out'.

My grandparents looked tensed.

Finally my grandmother huffed.
''We have to tell her now.'' She spoke in a low and grave voice.

My grandfather looked scared but he nodded his head anyway.

My grandmother started talking.

''Honey, I'm so sorry we kept this from you. But magic is real and you possess the abilty to do magic. So do we'' she took a break and let that sink in for me.

I knew magic was real, but I thought I was a muggleborn when I realized I had magic in the hospital. Or I thought that I had accidently taken Harry's. But he still has his, so that's not the case.

''You had once performed accidental magic, once. Only once.  But when you were going to get your hogwarts letter you fell into a coma '' here she stopped again, but this time to wipe her tears.

''Sweetie Our names are Angela Kretura and William Kretura. Your grandfather and you are the last of the kretura bloodline. Our bloodline is blessed with the ability to understand and heal magical creatures.'' Here she stops and walks towards a cabinet in the kitchen.

She takes out a wand!!

I think my face shows the suprise and after she looks at me she explains what a wand is and she performs the reversal spell for obliviate.


Then a memorey came rushing in


A tabby cat was walking in front of me. A few big bad boys from the neighborhood were throwing stones at the poor thing!

The cat was bleeding from one particularly nasty gash.

I took the tabbly in my arms and told it that everything Is gonna be right.

I then felt energy through my hands and the tabby was healed!

I was about to run into the house with it when my grandfather came outside to see what wad taking me so long. He saw the cat in my arms and the cat saw him. They bath smiled.

Then, in an instant the cat transformed into a woman.

''Minerva! Its been ages!'' My grandfather seems to know this cat lady!

''Oh Will! It truly has been ages! Look at you! All wrinkly and old'' she laughs at my grandfather.

''You dont laugh at my poppa cat lady!'' I try to glare at her.

She laughs at me! How dare she!

''Me no funny. Me being seri-serios.!'' I yelled at her.

''Ruby, behave. She's Minerva. She's my friend. And she can laugh at me. Its okay'' my grandfather says to me after laughing a little at my comment.

''If poppa says he your friend then you my fwiend too'' I told cat lady.

''Sure honey'' she says.

''No! No call me honey! Only grammy call ke honey!'' I tell her.

''Its okay Ruby. There is no need to be this rude'' my grandfather tells me politely.

''It's okay will.'' Cat lady tells poppa. ''Would you like to be called kitten by me, Ruby?'' Minerva asks.

''Okay kitty-lady'' I tell her shyly.

''So that can be it! Your my little kitten and I'm your kitty!'' She says and laughs a little.

What's with the need to laugh every second?

They spent time together and as kitty was about to leave, she looked at my grandfather and Saif something.

''It's not safe for a kretura to enter the wizarding world.'' Kitty tells poppa.

''What do you suggest we do?'' Poppa asks.

''We must bind her magic. It will not leave any side effects. I can assure you.''

With that. They performed a spell.

-end of flashback-

I knew Minerva? Okay. Wow. And they blocked my magic? Okay.

Then my grandmother continues speaking. ''I know this can be overwhelming honey. Im very sorry we had to do it. We didnt see any other option to keep you safe.'' She gives me a minute to process it and then she tells me about the magical world. Stuff that I already knew.

But then she comes to the interesting part.

My parents.

Their daughter. And her husband.

''Do you think we should tell her the truth? My grandfather asked my grandmother.

''I think you should. I can handle it. I'm sure.'' Suprisingly they agreeded.

''Do you remember the birds and bees talk we had when you were 10?'' They asked me.

''Yes'' I replied confused.

''Well, sweetie. Sometimes, people forcefully do the deed with unwilling partners. Your mother was to be married to a muggle, but she was forced to do the deed with a man who was part of a war that was going on back then.'' With that she explained the first wizarding war. And weeped a lot. It was very painful for them to tell me this.

''This man is your father. But we dont know who it is, your father and I receive monthly galleons for your caretaking by that man. We got one letter from him.

Ms. Kretura.

I deeply apologize for what I had to do to you. I wasnt in a situation to deny my orders. I will continue to send a monthly sum to take care of the baby. But I am afraid I will never be able to phyaically support you, as the war is probably not over yet. don't try to contact me ever again.


''We only have pictures of your mother sweetie. We are so sorry.''

They hand me the picture that my grandmother took out with the letter.

She was beautiful. I had her nose, body structure and her lips.

''She died 2 years after you were born. A car crash'' she cried. My grandfather comforted her through his own heart was bleeding.

After that tiresome day, we went to sleep, and I had only one thing on my mind. Who is my father? I had a guess. But I have to be sure.

Heyy!!!! 24k! Thank you people. Hows this plot twist???? Thank you so much to everyone! There are a lot more plot twists to come!!!! Yay!

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