32: I told Them

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Today's 5th August! My birthday!!!! Yay.

I really wanted to celebrate with Harry and Draco and Severus.

I was still debating on whether or not to tell my grandparents about my 'other life'. But today I made the decision. I will be telling them.

They cant not know about that part of my life. Simply because it will create a lot of confusion and I wont have as much freedom as I would like. Also, my grandparents for another universe were very understanding. I hope the ones here are too.

So thats what I did. Its my birthday too, so I don't think they will be very hash with me. I found a pensive in the basement. So that'll help expain stuff.

''Grammy, poppa. I have something I want to tell you. And show you.'' With that we went to the basement.

They took it better than I expected.

They did ask some questions, but they understood me very well.

After all the emotional stuff. They accepted me for who I am.

''So, sweetie would you like to have a birthday party with your new friends?'' They asked, referring to harry and Draco.

''Though I am skeptical about the boys, I don't like them much. But I will tolerate them for you.'' Mely grandfather added.

I giggled at that.

''They are amazing. Im sure you will like them once you get to know more about them.'' I say, defending them

''Okay okay'' he huffs.

We were planning for a birthday party in the evening at Mc. Donald's.

Our floo was connected to the network again. And I floo called Harry first. Knowing that he lives with Sirius and that it would be easier to get in touch with him

''Hello Sirius. Is Harry home? Im having a birthday party at mc. Donal's and i was wondering if yo and harry would like to come? Ps. I told my grandparents about my life adventures.''

''Oh. Ok how'd they take it?'' Sirius asked and Harry joined in the conversation. ''You told them!?'' And after a second, ''It's your birthday!?''

''Yes to both Questions Harry. And Sirius, they took I really well, they've given me more freedom.''

I reply to both of them.

''Oh thats great!'' Harry says happily.

''So, can you make it? At 3 in the afternoon? Today?'' I asked.

''Yeah sure! I've always wanted to try Mc. Donald's.'' Harry says. And then turns to Sirius, realizing that he needs permission. Sirius understands this and says ''we will be there, Ruby. Harry and I both of us will.''

''Thank you sirius, im looking forward to meet you harry!'' With that I end the floo call.

I make my next call to severus.

''Severus, hi!'' I say as soon as I call connected.

''Ruby! Is everything alright? How may I be of assistence?'' He asked. Panic slightly evident in his voice.

''Everything is alright severus. No need to panic. I told my grandparents about my 'life''' I tell him and pause for his reply.

''And?'' He questions.

''They took it quite well, also are you free this afternoon?'' I asked.

''Why do you ask?'' He replied.

''Well, its my birthday. And I am hosting a party at mc. Donal's. It is also a great chance for my grandparents to meet the people who have become a part of my life since last year.'' I reply innocently.

''In that case, happy birthday Ruby. And I think I can.'' He replied.

''I have something else to ask you too'' I said sweetly.

''What is it?'' He asked in a bored tone.

''Is there any chance of gwtting Draco along? I really miss him.'' I admitted.

''I will see, his mother has some work to tend to since the untimely dissapearence of her husband. Draco will be aline at home.'' He replied.

''Yay! Thank you, i also have something important to talk about, may I come through?'' I ask, changing my voice to a more serious tone.

''If your guardians are okay with it, then you may'' he tells me.

''Grammy, poppa, I'll be right back. Im going over to Severus's.''
I yell.

''You mean the professor who trained you, and then tested you Like he didnt know what you were capable of?'' My grandfather yelled back.

''Come on poppa! He's a good guy. He didnt want to freak toy out.'' I yell in Severus's defence.

''Okay. Be back quick honey'' my grandmother yells from upstairs.

''Okay I yell back excitedly.

And then I floo away to the familiar walls of spinners end.

''Welcome back Ruby.'' He seemed tense.

''Thank you severus. I wanted to have a discussion about something.''

Yay! Another chapter. The story line is building up. The next few chapters are surly gling to be interesting.

I have 2 questions for y'all
Whats the worst thing you've done?

What's the best thing y'all have done?

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